Chapter 3

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Louis’s POV

Twitter had exploded. Somehow word had spread and all of the fans had heard of Harry passing out at the concert. But the stories had gotten crazier and there were teenagers all over the globe sobbing because they believed that Harry was dead and the rest of us were soon to follow. Obviously that wasn’t true.

From the few tweets I did see I was amazed at the fans. The top twitter trend was currently #WeLoveYouHarry followed closely by #IsHarryOK. I could see they were panicking and I wish I could tell them but management likely already has a plan and going against it would earn me a death wish.

Harry was curled up beside me, snoring softly. He looked peaceful, and for a moment I wish I could freeze time and stay right here forever, with Harry beside me. But the moment shattered like a crystal glass dropped from the Empire State Building and Harry woke up, blinking tiredly.

“I want to go home,” were the first words he uttered and I could see tears in the corners of his eyes. Those words broke my heart into pieces and flung them across the world and into space. 

"Mate it's okay. We're going to head back to the hotel, Paul and Zayn just went to grab the car," Liam said patting his knee. Thank god for Liam. I think we would have all died ten times by now without him.

Zayn came running in," Car's ready and there's not too many people so lets get out of here." Harry threw on his jacket and Niall and I helped him stand up. We carefully made our way out to the car, helping Harry in and wrapping him up in a blanket. He rolled his eyes when we did but at least he wasn't shivering.

The drive was pretty long and Zayn, Niall and Harry were all passed out before we even left the parking lot, leaving Liam, Paul and me.

"Liam?" I asked softly,” What’s gonna happen? What if-"

He cut me off harshly," Stop talking Lou. Harry will be fine. He's strong and stubborn and a bunch of other traits that I never ever thought would be good to have. Oh Lou why are you crying? There’s no need to cry."

I hadn't even noticed a couple of tears streaking down my face and I quickly wiped them away. I took a shaky breath, "Ok... I think I’m ok. I just can't lose him Li.

"Paul, pull over," Liam instructed. Paul did as he said, though I'm not sure why. Normally he doesn't listen to anyone.

When the car came to a complete stop, Liam hopped out and opened my door. Then, he held his arms out and I jumped into them, burying my face in his neck. "I just need someone to tell me that everything’s gonna be ok and that Harry will be fine and nothing bad will happen. I just need someone to tell me this once, and then I can be strong for Harry and everyone and joke around and pretend that nothing bad will ever happen to us," I rambled, more tears leaking out of my eyes even though I was trying to hold them back,” He’s my everything Li and oh god I can’t lose him.” Liam just hugged me as I sobbed, letting me get all of this off my chest, but a deeper voice broke the silence after I finished.

"Lou, I don't expect you to be strong all the time. Sure, I'd probably get real pissed real fast if you acted like a teenage girl who was just dumped by her first boyfriend, but you can still cry and be sad once in a while. I won't mind holding you. I'm not your grandma's good china or anything," Harry stated quietly from behind me. I cringed a bit and turned around, seeing Harry leaning against the car, eyes heavy from sleep.

"Harry, I didn't mean to say that you are too delicate to handle anything, I just want to be there for you, to help keep you sane and safe and happy forever. I... I didn't mean to say that you can't handle anything and I'm sorry that you took it-" he cut off my rambling with a light kiss. I sighed into his lips, and he pulled back slightly, our foreheads still touching.

"And Lou, you're my everything too."


“Does anyone want any tea?” Niall asked as headed to the kitchen of our suite. We were all curled up on the couches, watching some show that no one knew. I was sitting in Harry’s lap, happy because I had Harry here with me.

As usual, our peace was interrupted by a phone ringing. Harry’s phone to be exact. He pulled it out of his pocket and checked the called ID. His face went pale and he was starting to panic. Without thinking I picked up for him.

“Hello?” I said, trying to come across as polite in case it was management.

“Louis is that you?” Anne asked sounding terrified,” What happened to Harry? It’s been all over the news and I haven’t been able to get a hold of anyone! Is he alright?”

Zayn and Liam went with Niall to the kitchen and Harry grabbed the phone from me,” Mum? It’s me Harry. I’m… I’m alright,” I stood up to give him some privacy but Harry grabbed my hand pulling me back down,” Why I passed out? Oh umm that they did some tests…yeah they did some tests and…” he trailed off mouthing to me,’ I can’t tell her.’ I nodded in understanding and grabbed the phone from him.

“It’s me Louis,” I told Anne who was likely confused,” So umm they got the test results back. I’m sorry, really sorry Anne. He has cancer,” I heard a sharp gasp over the phone and Harry was sobbing so loud I’m sure the others were going to come in.

“Is this some kind of horrible joke Louis? Because if it is I’m going to kill both of you,” Anne threatened.

Harry grabbed the phone again, trying to calm his crying,” I’m sorry mom. But the doctor said I should be fine. And Zayn said that we might be able to get you out here in a few days. It’ll all be fine.”

“Okay sweetheart I’ll be out there as soon as I can. It’ll be okay. I’m sorry but I have to go Gemma’s calling me and she’ll want to know what’s wrong. I’ll call you back tomorrow I love you sweetheart. I love you so much,” Anne said softly.

“I love you too mum. I’ll see you soon,” he pushed end call and collapsed against the sofa, wrapping his arms tightly around me and burying his face in my chest.

“It’s okay Haz,” I said wrapping my arms around him and kissing the top of his head as he started to sob again,” Shhhh it’s okay.”

He looked up at me,” Wh-why do I keep on bloody crying? What is this some chick flick?”

“Haz it’s okay to cry. There’s no need to hold it in okay babe?” I whispered. He nodded against my chest.

“Now come on curly cheeks, let’s get you to bed,” I stood up and turned around so Harry could climb onto my back, which he did without question.

I ran past the kitchen where the other lads were sitting, drinking tea and chatting,” Night guys. See you in the morning,” Harry called out as I continued past them, laughing.

And I couldn’t really have explained why I was laughing. Perhaps it was because I had all I needed in that moment. I had my Harry, with me and he was happy. And I was part of the reason he was happy. So I laughed. I laughed because I could. I laughed like there’s no tomorrow because there might not be.

And Harry laughed with me. Right before leaning down to my ear and whispering,” God I love you Lou.”

Why hello my wonderful people. So first of all HUGE THANKS to @BookByBook . She wrote the wonderful chunk in the middle when they're in the car because she's amazing and I was completely stuck. So go check her out, she has amazing stories. OH AND I SAW DIVERGENT WHICH WAS AMAZING!!!! Lol I think thats pretty much all for now, let me now what you think. Goodbyeeeee!!! 

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