Chapter 6

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"You ready to head home Harry?" Liam asked as he tossed the boy a pair of sweatpants and one of Louis's t-shirts.

"I've been ready since I got here Li," Harry responded dryly," and I'm not ready to come back anytime soon."

"It'll be better next time love," Louis reminded him,” You’ll know what to expect."

Harry slowly slipped out of the hospital gown and into his clothes and Louis and Liam helped him sit in the wheelchair.

"Let's get out of this place," Louis declared as he wheeled Harry outside of the hospital into the warm spring air, kissing Harry’s curls.

Louis always used to love spring. He loved the trees coming back to life, and the cherry blossoms and bright, cheery flowers and the feeling of wearing flip-flops for the first time. It was one of the reasons he hated being on tour because he often missed out on the beginning of spring. But most of all he loved the yearly proof that things do get better and that was something Louis adored. But right now it was like he was still stuck in the middle of winter. The sun didn’t warm him up, the flowers looked half-dead and the sky seemed to lack the beautiful deep blue colour that Harry would often compare to Louis's eyes. The sky was still the same colour as Louis's eyes; they had both remained into a faded blue.


 A week and a half later the boys were sitting on a red leather couch at a studio for their interview where they would explain to the world why their youngest member had collapsed. Harry had received his second chemo treatment the day prior and was exhausted and shaky. The others were furious that he had to come when he was in such a state. 

"Live in five minutes," the cameraman called out as the interviewer, Martin or something, wandered onto set with a large mug of coffee in hand. 

Louis reassured Harry once more that everything would be fine and he would barely have to do anything and that Louis would be right there the entire time.

"Live in 5 4," Louis gave Harry one last peck on the lips," 3 2 1."

"Good Morning everybody. Welcome to Mornings with Martin and boy do I have a treat for today," the host began and Louis was already pissed off at his cheerfulness,” The boys of One Direction are here and they'll be telling us all about the latest incident that caused panic amongst teenage girls across the globe. So lets cut to the chase. What was the reason for your collapse Harry?"

Harry took a deep breath,” I ummm well you see afterwards at the hospital, they did a bunch of tests and I... I was diagnosed with Leukemia." He had barely squeaked out those words and Louis squeezed his knee reassuringly.

"Well it's good to see you're still standing," Martin chuckled at his joke but the boys were stone-faced. No one EVER joked about any of them dying, especially given the circumstances.

Martin coughed awkwardly," So I'm assuming you have started treatment."

Zayn butted in calmly before Harry could respond,” I don't see how that’s much of your business. Can none of us have any privacy?" Harry rested his head on Louis's shoulder, stifling a yawn and Louis whispered that it would be over soon. 

The interview continued on at a very awkward pace, with the boys being vague on most questions or flat out refusing to answer at all. Harry was sound asleep, thankfully not snoring and the members of management were furious by the time it was a commercial break.

As soon as the camera guy yelled cut, a member of their management, Katherine marched up to them and shook Harry awake,” What part of no relationship do you not understand? Can you not make it through one interview without fucking things up?" she hissed at them and Harry bit his lip so Katherine wouldn't know her words were getting to him.

"Well I'm not sure if you've fucking noticed Katherine but Harry's sick. There’s a chance he could die. And all you heartless people care about is some damn interview that’s making things ten times worse,” Louis shouted back as he stood up motioning for Harry, who now had a few tears running down his face, to stay back.

"You signed a contract and until it runs out you have no choice," Katherine reminded him. Niall came over and wrapped an arm around Harry, leading him over to the side of the room where Zayn and Liam already were. By this point Harry was a shaking mess and he sank to the ground bringing his knees up to his chest. Niall wrapped his arms around him as Liam whispered in harsh tones to another member of management while Zayn watched in horror as Louis and Sarah continued to argue. 

Liam knelt down next to Harry and Niall," Har we're gonna take you back to the hotel alright?"

Harry nodded," What about Lou?"

"He's going to stay for the rest of the interview or else management claims people will be going crazy with Larry. He won't be long though. Now let's get out of here," Liam reached for Harry's hands helping him up and the pair followed Paul out to the car.

The rest of the interview was tense, Martin was scared to ask anything except the basics so Niall, Zayn and Louis were stuck answering the standard questions about girls and tours and they were all preoccupied worrying about the young curly-haired lad. They were eager to leave as soon as it was over and the car ride home was less than joyful, as management had chosen that time to berate the boys over phone.

Louis was more than glad to finally hang up as they got to their hotel suite. They opened the door to find Harry asleep on the couch, clutching on of Louis's sweaters and Liam was slumped on the sofa opposite trying to deal with twitter. 

"Guys why don't we do a movie night tonight?" Niall suggested softly, knowing the boys needed a distraction himself included.

Louis slumped onto the couch Harry was on, moving Harry's head into his lap, playing with his curls, noticing they were getting thinner with a sigh,” That sounds perfect Nialler." Niall grinned and ran off to the kitchen, throwing some popcorn in the microwave as Zayn and Liam decided on what movie to watch. 

Harry mumbled something incoherent as he slowly woke up, blinking up at Lou.

“Hey love, we’re just going to watch a movie. That okay?” Lou asked. Harry nodded before wrapping his arms around Lou’s neck. He pulled away with a groan when his phone began to ring.

He answered as he stood up with a hoarse,” Hello?”  He grimaced and the others glanced at him worriedly.

Harry was silent as he listened to the other end before he let out a strangled,” I know I screwed up okay? I don’t need you yelling at me now.”  

Zayn approached, ripping the phone away from Harry and giving him a gentle shove back towards Louis. Harry collapsed into Louis’s arms, wrapping his legs around Louis’s waist.

Across the room Zayn was yelling into the phone,” You need to fucking leave Harry alone! He hasn’t done anything wrong. In fact you’re lucky he even showed up!” Zayn hung up the phone and chucked it onto a nearby chair.

“I could have handled it myself,” Harry muttered sullenly.

“You shouldn’t have to babe,” Louis said squeezing Harry tighter.

“So,” Niall said as he clasped his hands together,” shall we turn all our phones off and enjoy a movie?” Everyone nodded and shuffled around till they were comfy, placing their phones on the coffee table and relaxing into the cushions.

AN: This story is fluff right now. Don't worry I have an actual plan (thank you @BookByBook) and next chapter is FANTASTIC if I can get it to work right. So yeah I'll prob update on Wednesday or Thursday. Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed vote and comment and tell your friends. 


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