part 1

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A grin curled around her lips as she faced you pointing at your chest.

Femgogeta: "I want you to spar with me!"

(Y/n): e-ehhh??


(Y/n): ((m-me???? No way I'm still not strong enough.))

Gogeta patiently waited your response.

(Y/n) "A-are you sure?"

Femgogeta: "of course! , Don't worry I'll go easy on you!" She crossed her arms in stance. "Show me what you got."

You positioned yourself in fighting stance exhanging eye contact.

(Y/n) "OK here goes nothing."

You proceed to dash towards attempting to pack a punch but was instead met with blocks by her palms.

Femgogeta: hehehe you can do better then that.

You switch into determination as you charged your ki into a powerful punch breaking her guard.

This caught her by surprise as you landed a 10 hit combo kicking her to the sky afterwards adding a Kamehameha blast.

(Y/n): heavy breathing

You lowered yourself to the grassy field awaiting her return.

Behind you a hand was placed on you shoulder.

Femgogeta: "I gotta say you had me there for a moment. You Have Potential To Be A powerful warrior. She says as she slowly grips your shoulder causing you a wince of pain.

She knee jabs your back .

Femgogeta: "you JUST (JAB) NEED (JAB) PRACTICE(JAB)."

She finishes off with a roundhouse kick tumbling you to the ground.

(Y/n) : "ow I'm gonna feel that in the mornin, she's so powerful."

You steady lifted your head up to find her hovering above you with a smirk on her face as she crosses her arms multiple clones of herself surround you.

(Y/n): n-no this can't be happening.

She positions herself in Kamehameha position.

Femgogeta: kaaameeeeehaaaameeeeeee

Her ki was charging from all 8 staring down at you, the look of horror crossed your face as you believe this is fate.

Femgogeta: ha!

As she released her hands party confetti came out scattered on and around you.

Femgogeta: "ahaaaa ahaaaa hahahaha"

She couldn't help but to hold her belly in laughing while you felt hulmiliated.

Standing up you proceeded to walk away defeated and embarrassed. Gogeta caught on.

Femgogeta: "hey wait!" She says as she used instant transmission to teleport behind you grabbing your arm.

Femgogeta: "I'm sorry I got carried away... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

You turned around to see her sinsere concern on her face and gave a small smile.
(Y/n) : " it's ok."

She smiled to your response as you smiled back.

You both notice you were still held together until she broke it off with a tint of blush on your faces.

Femgogeta:" so... I never got your name." She extended her hand out to you. 

Femgogeta: "Names gogeta, you?"

You extended your hand out as well shaking hers.

(Y/n) : "(y/n)"

Femgogeta: "(y/n). . . heh, it's a nice name."

She placed her hands behind her back leaning back and forth in a playful mood.

Femgogeta: " see you around?"

You wouldn't miss this chance for the world. You decided to bookmark this on your watch to visit again. You gave her a nod as she smiled and waved.

Femgogeta: " bye bye (y/n) ~"

(Y/n) : "bye gogeta" you said with a smile as you slowly vanished to conton city.

A smile curved around her lips.

Femgogeta: " soon, you'll be mine. . ."


yandere femgogeta ssj4 x reader (earthling)Where stories live. Discover now