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You and gogeta flew to the city walking around. You've notice that she was clinging to your arm but you figured maybe she was just excited.

You visited the arcade, cafe, and  Waterpark. The sun was setting down and you and gogeta had a blast. You both relaxed at the benches viewing the sunset  just chatting it up. Mostly it was questions about you.

" what's your favorite color?"
" how many friends do you have?"
" ever fought gods before?"

Then some felt... personal.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Are you seeing anyone?"
"Have you ever kissed before?"

This made you feel a little uncomfortable so you made up a lie and said you were seeing someone.

Gogeta gave you a creepy stare.

(Y/n) : " are you okay gogeta?"

She wasn't responding just blankly staring at you.

(Y/n): "gogeta? "

Femgogeta: ". . ."

You started snapping your fingers in front of her until she blinked out of her trance

Femgogeta: "wah? Huh? Sorry hahaha. Guess I blacked out for a minute."

Before you can apologize for what you said-

Femgogeta: "I'll be right back heading to the restroom."

(Y/n): "ok..."

You were left alone on the bench with the sun turning you into a silhouette to anyone viewing you from far. Suddenly you felt sleepy, leaning your head back you notice a red blur before being gone.

yandere femgogeta ssj4 x reader (earthling)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant