|Chapter two-Darkened|

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Levi's POV

"We'll need a few more copies sir! Please get them in to the chief by noon!"

Loud and annoying, the noises of the copy machine was always a daily thing. I didn't really want this, it wasn't my pick for a job. Editor in chief was something I wanted, I was great in keeping track of editing books. It was my hobby and something I was gifted in doing.

Though, something always comes by and never goes as I want, or wished it could. I don't really know, or care, what its called anymore but I basically edit some chapters and sometimes, for other books. Such books like manga, I edit the words and sequence. It's a little fun.

Honestly, if I could get something I wanted, I would immediately take it. But I'll have to settle with it no matter what, even at home. I have good people around me, so I can stay with that. But what I hated most, was something I couldn't get out of.

"Here. Each page copied thirty times, that should be enough. Now if I may, I'd like to get back to editing without being bothered, make some else do your work!"

Slamming the papers on the chiefs desk then adjusting my shirt in frustration. He looked at me with a bit of a scared look as I only glared at him with my tone being sharp.

"Y-Yes... Pardon for that, it's just that most of the workers here are out sick, the beginning of spring is just around the corner." He stuttered.

"Well... Maybe do it yourself, I have my own job as you have yours." I left scoffing myself walking in the now avoided halls back to my area. Sure everyone was afraid of me, but it didn't matter, I still was able to get what I needed in a way.

It was a bit frustrating not having anyone else I know in my department. The only others that work here with me in a different department are my two friends here.
Getting to my area, I sat down sighing, picking up the book I was editing.

"Ah, Heichou! I brought you some tea, I heard you've got piled up work today!"

Petra, one of my close friends. She goes out of her own way just to help me along the way, it's really nice. I never get this kind of treatment, I was taught not to take it from others. But either way, she's a nice friend, I wouldn't mind.

"You didn't need to... You still have some work to do yourself."

"Yes I know, but I want to give a little refreshment!"

I shook my head laughing softly through my nose. Petra came close and set it by my work before walking off a bit.

"Do good on your work!"

With that said, she smiled and took a few papers she needed for her department before fully walking out. I only took a bit of sip from the tea, then resuming to edit my share of work.

"Heichou, here's a bit of some snacks for you. After you finish that, the writing department wants you to look at this, due by tomorrow."

Auruo was also one of my friends. The other who worked here with me, I have others who don't work here; other jobs. He's a bit of a biter, both literally and figuratively. He's like Petra, but more into imitating me, as if I didn't know.

"I see. I'll do it once I'm done, Petra already took the papers."

He nodded setting the things down on my desk, going on out of my area to his.
This is one thing I only enjoy out of other things in life.

After hours of sitting on in my desk I finally looked up at the clock seeing its almost midnight. Just now was when I barely finished, later than usual.

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