|Chapter seven-Disrupted|

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Levi's POV

Things can change right?
So why hasn't it changed for me?
It's being disrupted by what I really want, or can barely escape from.

I made contacts. I was sure to set up Eren to become an intern, since that's what he wanted. I do want to help him, just that, I somehow I came close and connected with Eren.
I'm somehow entangled with him. It's only been a few days, maybe more since I was able to get close to him.

It's not that I just want to find out things about him, as a normal person would, probably. But I want to actually have a student, as a friend, I'm not that old from his age anyways. Even though, I won't look like a creep by him.

"He can start as soon as two days from now. I'll let you know anything else." --P. R

I read from my phone. My boss, the chief's boss allowed to let him. It took a little scaring but, it was for a good cause. Sure I got pilled up with work, but that doesn't matter, I've always had it. And that doesn't change what I have at home, a bunch of bitch eyebrows to get to.

That still goes on about around my mind, it's like I can't get away from that thought. I feel like giving something up for another thing. Honestly, if anyone was listening to my thoughts, they'd be so confused at the situation, not that some aren't.

My situation is growing worse, I'm being pulled to do something by him at every second I'm with him.
Why do I feel such pity for him. That seems like my only reason I stay.

I can't even get to do my own thing. It's frustrating me, thinking of it non stop as well.

"You know what's funny?"

The annoyance follows me around at the most inconvenient times, like now. An idiot is what follows me.

"I definitely hope you're here to bring me tea or else, I'd punch you in the face and shove you out..." I glared at them as they walked to me.

"I see, one of your moods. Must be that time again!" They snickered. "But yes, I did bring you some tea, and I'm here to say something." They sat.

"I fucking hate you Hanji..."

"I know you love me."

I rolled my eyes taking the tea from her hands and getting a sip.

"Why'd you even follow me here? I was peacefully enjoying my loneliness..."

"No you weren't, I heard you sigh from way out the door, and I knew you needed me, so I got you some tea. Now, we talk, like we do."

I gave her this ''really, you wanna do that again?'' face.
That really didn't stop her though, she got all comfy and sat back, ready to start the conversation I didn't want.

"Before you say anything, I do have one thing to say." She stated, looking at me with a weird smile. "I can already guess you noticed, but yes, Eren has been gone for the past two days, and it really isn't like him isnt it?"

I wasn't an idiot, I did notice. He hasn't been around, and the one time he did come, was to talk to a teacher. I don't know about what, but it was something strange to come for.

"No shit..." I shifted my look. "You know, he could be sick and you're just here to make fun of me..."

"I could, but I'm not. Did you see the way his boyfriend acted? Jean?"

I looked back at her confused. What would be so important about that anyways? It's just a relationship at school, for all I know.

"He didn't seem to worried. I was talking to one of his friends and all he did was ask about Eren, not why he wasn't here, but if he was okay with his ''accident'' he had."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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