Do I?

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"Y/N?!" Tyler called as you hid under the bed, snickering. "YOU CANT HIDE FOREVER" he said running up and down the halls. You had decided to hide from Tyler, just to piss him off.
You got out your phone and texted him.
Y/n: heheheheheh you won't find me I'm too good
Babe: oh yes I will and when I do find you you will be punished. MWHAHAHHAHA
Y/n: perv!
You laughed a little and set your phone down. About thirty seconds later, it started ringing. You gasped and hit it violently murmuring curse words under your breath, but it was too late. From the end of the hall you heard Tyler's footsteps grow closer. You closed your eyes and held your breath.
"Boo" he said as he looked under the bed. You frowned.
"It took you 45 minutes do find me. You stink at this" you said looking at him as he crawled under the bed.
"Oh do I?" He said laughing and kissing your cheek. You loved these moments with Tyler. He snuggles against you and you both grow quiet
"It's crammed in here" you stated moving out
"Agreed." Tyler said getting out.

Tyler Scheid imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now