It was not your fault but mine

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Your pov

  You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, you took it out and looked at the screen. Tyler. You hesitantly hit the green button.
  "H-hello?" You stuttered nervously.
  "Hey, I know we haven't talked in a while, but I'm just calling to say stop talking about me to your friends. It's getting old and I'm tired of hearing it." He says coldly. You just wanted to get his attention.
  "Okay." You spoke, emotionless. It was silent for a bit.
  "Okay. Thanks." He hung up the phone. You set it down and tears involuntarily rolled down.
   You just wanted him to know you were hurting.
  You wanted him to know that you still love him.
  You just wanted him to talk to you about it.
  You picked up your phone and started to text him.
  'Hey Tyler, I just want to apologize for talking about you. It was really childish and you don't deserve that. I won't say anything else.'  You hit send. Hoping for any kind of response.
  'It's okay. I just hope one day we can move past this and be close again.' You read the text over and over again. Nothing you ever said about him was true, you were a jerk to him.
  'Yeah. Me too.'

So sorry for being MIA loves, school is stressful lol. This was basically just a conversation I had with a (now very good) friend once. She called me to tell me to stop posting about her on my finsta and I just felt so bad, but now we are very close again and I love her with all of my heart :)

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