Chapter 1

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This is Berk. At first view, it's looks like any other island, but it hides something bigger. Berk is our homeland to us vikings. But it is dragons' too. The land is the guardian of peace that exists between us. I've lived here since I was born and I've seen this big rock lost in the middle of the ocean evolve. It's thanks to the dragons that peace is possible and I will fight for it to continue. Because right now, I'm not a simple inhabitant of this village anymore, I'm Chief. My mother returned to live with us, and with all her knowledge about the dragons, she is a great help. Nowadays, I have to take care of the village's security, but with Drago's threat out of the way and since Toothless has become the Alpha, we are rather calm. I admit that my new responsibilities scare me a little, but they would have come at one point or another... I just wish things had happened differently. However, my father saved my life and sacrificed himself for me. Now a part of my heart is gone with him... Already a year has passed. It's already been a year since my dad is not among us in this world...

This morning, Toothless, my mother and I were in the main room for breakfast. I was drinking my yack milk.

"So? Not too anxious?" asked my mother with a touch of humour.

"Hum... No, no it's okay... I'm fine." I replied between two sips, not very convinced of what I was saying.

"You know, you have the right to be. Your father and I were too. Him more than me actually!" she laughed.

"I just hope everything goes well." I said honestly.

I finished in a hurry what I was eating and went out, followed by Toothless. I was sure that my mother was smiling. It was still early and I had was meeting Astrid to have an early flight in order to see each other a little before. Once outside, I put my metal leg in the mechanism of the missing aileron of my dragon to take off. Toothless and I were by now into the clouds, I really loved this sense of freedom. And to think that six years earlier, we couldn't imagine only for an instant that all of this would be possible... A scream, Stormfly's. She caught up to me, I thought. No, she joined me, I rectified for myself.

"Where do you plan on going like that?" Astrid said with a smile.

"Nowhere, I was just warming up as I was waiting for you." I answered with a warm smile.

"Want to race?" she announced as she started to sped up.

She obviously didn't want to talk, and neither did I. She simply wanted to let off steam before the long day ahead. I told Toothless to pick up the pace. He didn't need to be asked twice and tried to overtake Astrid and Stormfly.

We were flying fast. Too fast. Thank the gods there was no speed limits on Berk, otherwise Astrid and I would've blown off the charts. I got past her, and she gave me one of her dark looks that were enough to make me smile. Astrid was really competitive, which made the race even more exciting the win. I loved to see her like this, that determined look in her eyes at that precise moment was one of the things that I loved about her. We completed each other, she was everything that I was not, she was the other half of me. I don't know what I would do without her.

"Come on, Stormfly! Just one last push! We're almost there!"

Astrid had caught me again. She was so good at this... She ended up winning the race.

"I'm the best!" she exclaimed as she dismounted her Deadly Nadder.

"Yes, as always!" I pointed out.

"Don't make fun of me. You win just as often as I do."

She came closer to me and gave me a swift poke in the ribs. I was used to it by now, and I knew exactly what came next. I took her by waist and kissed her with meaning. She kissed back with force and passion. That was how I liked her: sweet and strong at the same time. The kiss broke and I we held each other close.

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