Chapter 5

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He was the strongest, the most courageous, the most savage warrior on the entire island of Berk. He was, without a doubt, the most fearless viking that had ever existed; nothing scared him, not even death. Definitely not the dragons that regularly assaulted Berk for generations. During battles, he was always on the frontline, charging headfirst into the fray, consequences be damned. He didn't have a wife at home worrying for him, he had always been somewhat of a loner. His reclusive tendencies did not, however, stop him from becoming one of the most trusted confidants of our chief, and my husband, Stoik the Vast. Erik was his friend first, and his brother-in-law second.

The night that he disappeared haunted my dreams for the rest of my life.

Erik had been toying with a crazy idea for a while by that point: capturing a Night Fury for his own. Everyone, including me, had tried to dissuade him, but he refused to listen to reason. It was a matter of personal honor, he said, he needed it. Any time someone told him that it was too dangerous, he reminded them that a Night Fury was still a dragon, and he knew how to deal with dragons.

No person or thing could have changed his mind. And yet, I felt responsible. I always felt responsible for him, protective older sister that I was. I was always looking out for him. Always... except for that night.

It was a raid like all the others: dragons swooping down on Berk in the dead of night to steal food. I had just found out I was pregnant and Stoik had decreed that I was not to participate in defending the island, I was to rest for my health and the health of our child. As much as I wanted to go out and help, I was overjoyed at my impending motherhood and was so content that I had forgotten everything else.

I had forgotten Erik.

"It was bad out there, Valka," Stoik said softly, taking my hands in his own. "I was trying to fend off a couple of Gronckles and I heard—" He paused, steeling himself. "I heard Erik. I turned around and he was fighting a Night Fury. It—... it carried him off, Valka, I'm sorry." I faintly heard him trying to console me, but all I was aware of was the feeling of the world falling out from underneath me and the blood rushing in my ears. My brother, my one and only brother, was gone. I couldn't convince him to see reason. I couldn't protect him. It was all my fault.

"I didn't tell him I was pregnant." was the only thing I could manage to say.

And now here he stood. In the flesh, very much alive, surrounded by Night Furies.

"Valka?" He blinked slowly a couple of times. "By the gods... what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." I said after a long pause. I looked down at the ground, trying to find words. "You were... dead, Erik, everyone believed that you had died!"

He took a small step in my direction. "I'm here now, Valka," he said softly, advancing towards me, "I'm here."

Erik reached me and I took him into my arms, holding him with all my strength, clinging to him as if life itself depended on it. I breathed in raggedly, the first sob overwhelming me. I wanted to protect him, all I had ever wanted was to protect him! I abandoned myself to the emotions that crashed onto me. Sorrow, joy, anger... all caused by our reunion and all opposing forces. The sorrow of being separated from my brother for all these years, the joy of being together again, and the anger I still held deep within myself for not preventing his disappearance in the first place.

"I missed you so much." I sniffled once the sobs had quieted themselves.

"I missed you too, Valka." he said, pressing his face into my shoulder.

"Well! It's been ages, Erik!" I turned back to face Gobber, who was coming forward with arms outstretched to greet my brother. "But what have you been doing here all this time?"

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