Chapter 3

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He was gone. Why did he always have to run away from his problems? I wasn't surprised when he flew off with Toothless after the public humiliation I put him through, but he still wasn't back and night had almost fallen... It was probably the biggest fight we'd ever had, but it surely wouldn't be the last... I was already feeling remorseful. I never should've slapped him like that in front of everyone, then he wouldn't have left and... I just wanted us to talk this morning, we really needed to but he always avoided the subject. It was so difficult talking with him!

Sitting astride Stormfly, I stayed focused on my thoughts awaiting Hiccup's return, but he was still nowhere in sight. From afar, I heard someone call my name: it was Valka.

"Astrid! Stay inside, you've been out long enough."

"No, I must wait a bit longer, it's my fault if he's gone..."

She came closer and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Astrid, he'll be back, don't worry."

Voices came from the sky, it was Snotlout and the twins who'd gone searching for Hiccup. They touched down next to us.

"What happened?" I asked. "Where's Hiccup?"

"We couldn't go very far, we got ambushed by a storm from the north." answered Snotlout.

"Yeah, a mega storm! With booms! And bangs! And lightning!" said Tuffnut.

"The kind that burns you up in two seconds flat!" added Ruffnut.

"No, one second!"

"You're gonna see how many seconds it takes me to knock you down!" I threatened the twins with a dark look.

They exchanged a look and swallowed.

"Do you think Hiccup got caught in the storm?" asked Valka, worried.

"It's possible... In the meantime, it's headed for Berk..." answered Snotlout.

"We need to go inside. We'll continue the search when the storm has passed."

"But we can't just leave him!"

"Astrid, it's too dangerous! Don't provoke Thor!"

"I think Thor's already angry!" I say, hands over my ears to show how deafening the thunder already was.

"Astrid!" she shouted.

I was already high in the sky. We rose even higher to get above the clouds.

"Come on Stormfly! A few bolts of lightning aren't gonna stop us, are they girl?"

She roared, which was a good sign. We managed to slalom between the bolts without harm. I could now see exactly where I was going, thanks to a technique Hiccup had taught me. I missed him so much, I needed him and he needed me.

"Oh Stormfly, I'm so scared for him..."

Hiccup where are you?


It was incredible, I couldn't believe my eyes it seemed so unreal, but I knew I wasn't dreaming. Toothless and I were seeing the same thing: a Night Fury.

It was hardly smaller than Toothless and had blue eyes... I was captivated by the splendid creature that I felt I knew, but that I had so much to learn from. Toothless slowly approached it: he didn't seem scared, on the contrary he seemed curious. He edged closer and closer, the two dragons were soon head to head: they turned in circles, giving each other questioning looks, their heads tilting left and right inquisitively, all their senses were awakened. It was as if a silent conversation was going on between them. They sniffed each other and started growling, but in what seemed a playful manner. They continued to circle each other playfully and rolled over in the high grass. It was then I noticed the blue eyed Night Fury was actually a female. Toothless had obviously made a friend.

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