Chapter 10

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Hi guys!

Woah! I'm so glad to come back with a new chapter! The end is near! Only two more chapters to go! They'll be post very soon cause as I'm going to Annecy, I'm translating the chapters whith megtoons to give my strory translated to Dean DeBlois!

So that's good for you guys, cause you'll finally how I decided to ended this story so many years ago (hopefully before the trailers comes xD)...

I want to send a big thank you to wolfie-dragon-rider and chiefhiccstrid who corrected it! Thank you a lot guys!

Now I hope this chapter will please you!


"And if all goes well, Hiccup will be saved," I said, confident.

I'd told them my plan; it was up to them now to decide to follow me or not.

"Your plan sounds good, Astrid, but I have a question: how do you plan on getting the plans for the Night Fury tail?" Gobber asked.

"I'll manage," I said icily.

I knew it would take some time, but I would get there, I would find it, for Hiccup. The twins—as per usual—looked visibly confused about the plan, especially Tuffnut.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"So there's one thing I don't get about your plan!" he said. "The thing about the tailfin, so that Toothless can fly on his own and go find Hiccup and all that, okay...but why send Toothless, when he's the only dragon that can't fly on his own? That sounds...kinda dumb."

I stepped toward him, glaring at him all the while, and didn't speak until I drew level with him.

"Toothless is the only one capable of bringing him back," I said dryly.

Tuffnut threw his hands in the air, admitting defeat.

"Okay, great—who's with me?"

Everyone raised their fists proudly, signalling their agreement.

"That's more like it."


It had been a month now since Hiccup was captured by Drago, a month since I'd heard any word from him, a month that we'd been apart, a month of missing him—a month I'd been searching for the plans for the automatic tailfin for his dragon. And still, nothing. I couldn't believe how much time had passed without him.

I found myself in the forge, leaning my head on Hiccup's desk. I had looked everywhere—in absolutely every nook and cranny I could find, and I'd still come up empty-handed. So I stayed there, mulling over all of this, alone in Hiccup's old refuge—right up until I heard a knock on the door. I lifted my head—it was Gobber.

"Astrid," he said, shaking his head.


"It's should go get some rest, you've spent all day searching again today. Come on."

He offered me his hand, and I took it. How could I explain that this place was the only link with Hiccup I still had? This was the only place that brought me any comfort. At home, I had nightmares, terrible nightmares. Every night since Hiccup's capture I awoke in a cold sweat, panicked, and the nightmares would start right up again—but how could I say that to Gobber? I couldn't. He was worried enough about me as it was.

He walked me home, and I gave him a grateful hug goodbye.

"Thanks, Gobber," I whispered.

I pushed open the heavy door to our hut and stepped inside, without making a sound. Valka came back in her old house since I was alone. She was sleeping in our room—formerly Stoick's—while I had decided to spend my nights in Hiccup's old bedroom, where I could feel his unique presence. Erik was lodging in Valka's small hut. I headed upstairs, being careful not to wake her, and I threw myself across the bed. And then, I cried. Days' worth of accumulated pressure came out of me like this every night now, followed by my nightmares. I wasn't used to crying, but Hiccup's absence had changed everything.

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