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B: Don't make me count to 3, Dickie!

Grumbling under his breath the dealer took whatever it was out of his pocket and laid it on Ben's stretched out hand.
Ben expected drugs, not a tiny living, breathing, trembling woman. 

B: This is how it's going to go down. You leave now and do not talk to anyone about what you saw here. If word gets out about this, I will know that you couldn't keep your trap shut. I will then hunt you down and make sure you land behind bars for every violation I can think of. That will result in you not getting your dope for a long time, that is also something I will be keeping an eye on.

Do we understand each other?

D: Yeah yeah.

B: Scram! 

Waiting till the junkie was around the corner, the man softly spoke to the tiny figure in his hand.

 B: Are you alright? Did he hurt you?

Jessie was stil shaking, her ankle hurt like crazy and she was scared. She didn't answer.

B: Where do you live? Can I take you there?

She pointed at the house behind her and  the man mumbled something before he walked down the driveway in to the house.
Ben carefully set the tiny figure on the living room table, took a stool and sat down in front of her.

 B: I think it's safe to say that I know who you are but I would like to know how you became this small, Jessie.

J: you k..know who I a..m?

B: I am a police detective, and I am assigned to yours and your fathers case. Normally I work drug related crimes but due to the fact that I knew your father, I asked if I could work the case.

J: You know my father?

B: Yes a very intelligent, warmhearted man who helped me on a case. Spoke non-stop about you, his little pumpkinball.

Hearing the endearment her father used to call her made her cry, and it where tears pent up for more than a month.
She felt herself being gently lifted and placed against a warm chest. Even tough she was still a little scared she also started to feel safe.
Ben held Jessie for a while, then put her back on the table. At that point his pager went off. He looked at the screen and saw that it was his boss.

B: I have to go to work but if you want I can come back later?

J: You don't have to bother, I can take care of myself.

B: I don't doubt that but it's just to see if you are alright and if you need something. I will close of the house properly so no one can get in. 

After that Ben put Jessie back on the floor and left doing what he said he would.

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