The House

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Later that night, someone entered the house but Jessie didn't hear it until the livingroom door opened. Convinced it could be one of the bad guys, she tried to hide but was to slow due to her sprained ankle. The person behind her scooped her up carefully, but being in a state panic, Jessie didn't notice that and started to struggle.

J: No, please, no!

B: Jessie, it's me, please calm down.

J: Let go of me! 

B: Calm down, Jessie! 

The harsher tone in his voice got trough to her and Jessie calmed down. What was he doing here?

J: I'm sorry, Detective.  

B: I understand that you are scared, who wouldn't be  so don't worry about it. I will set you down on the table, okay?

J: Thank you.

Ben set her down carefully and then took a seat in front of her. Whilst she knew she was safe, it was unnerving to have such a huge man looming over her. Ben noticed her discomfort. 

B: Are you still scared of me? Why?

J: Maybe because you are like 6ft9 and I'm only 4 inches?

B: I'm 6ft6.

J: Oh that's comforting. Excuse me for not noticing. 

B: I'll forgive it for this one time.

J: Thanks a lot, funny man. What are you doing here by the way?

B: I told you I would come back, didn't I?

J: Yeah, but I didn't expect you to actually do it. 

B: You are quit spunky for someone who's that tiny.

J: This last month has taught me a lot and if you wanted to hurt me, you would have done that already. So, yes I am a little snippie cause I am not yet accustomed to someone of your size handling and hovering over me.

B: Okay, that's fair. 

J: Detective, is there a particular reason you came back?

B: Yes Jessie there is. But first, please call me Ben, not detective. Second, I came to tell you that I received the deed to this house.

J: What?! How is that possible? Where am I supposed to go? What if my father comes back?

B: Jessie, I am not going to trow you to the streets, so do not worry.

J: How did you get the deed anyway?

B: From your father. He had a will and made it so that if the attorney didn't hear from him in over two weeks, the deed to the house would be send to me. That's why I was there this morning when Dickie had you cornered. The instructions that came with the deed where: Keep her safe, I trust you with her life.

J: Just because you have the deed to the house from my father, that doesn't mean I have to trust you. I would rather you leave me here, forget you ever met me!

B: Forget I ever...met you? You know that that's impossible right?

J: I don't wan't you here. Leave!

Ben didn't lose his patience very often but he felt himself coming close so he did just what she asked without saying another word nor setting her on the floor.

//Sorry for the long wait but had writersblock on this story//

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