What If #1

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What if the scavenger at the arena blinded Starflight?
Tsunami' P.O.V.
The dust rose as I chased the nimble scavenger,my legs pumping,talons scraping the hard-packed dirt of the arena.
The spectators cheered as I finally snapped the scavenger's back,but I heard Starflight call out my name.

Starflight's P.O.V
The scavenger crawled over my scales like a spider. I had to think of something.
Something, Something,Something echoed in my head. I yelled at the top of my lungs at the distracted Tsunami,but as she raced towards me,the scavenger preparing to stab its gleaming blade,time itself seemed to slow. Then I felt a massive piercing pain as my world grew into blackness,what must be my blood on my talons. I could still hear the now satisfied crowd,Tsunami's loud talonsteps and horrified shout,but everything was as black as the ashes of a dead fire.
Was I alive,even?

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