Chapter Eighteen

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I feel like I owe you guys a long chapter and I know You already know what happens to Ashley but this is just to get the idea of how scared she is and what happens after what Nick saw, how she's dealing with everything, really.

Oh, and what do you guys think of the new title? Please let me know, and if you want to suggest different names, that'll be great.

I love the new picture I feel like it suits this story.




Darkness, the only thing comforting me right now, made me feel better, made me feel safe in a sense. My eyes were blindfolded, not seeing anything made me feel a little more secure because I didn't know where Cade was, or what kind of place I am in, but I also feel paranoid, that out of nowhere Cade will just appear and harm me in a way.

My heart has been beating erratically ever since I had gotten here. My breathing was ragged and hitched, my mouth was dry because of the cloth wrapped around it and my mind was racing with possibilities. I hated this, feeling this way, I couldn't breathe right and felt like I could lose consciousness at any moment.

Have you ever been in trouble with someone, you knew you would be punished and waiting for the punishment, was like waiting for death? It had you all scared and paranoid, you couldn't wait to get it over with, even though you knew the punishment was going to be bad?

I felt that way right now, I know it's not my fault for everything that's happening, yet I'm sitting here waiting to get this over with. I can't stand it...the waiting...the not knowing? It's killing me, because I have a sense of how bad it's going to be, I just don't know when it'll all happen.

My mind kept drifting off to Nick, I kept thinking about how he's going to take all of this in. Will he be pissed, that Natasha got out and I didn't? Is he still mad at me for the argument?

Why couldn't I have just listened to him? Why did I have to be so stubborn? So stupid? I knew that someone was out there trying to kidnap me, Nick even told me, yet I was actually stupid enough to leave the security of our house.

I heard rustling from somewhere in front of me. I froze in place, terrified of what was to come. I heard somewhat of a door open, then the sound of multiple footsteps, two people were in here with me, I think.

Low murmuring voices rang through what I assume is a room, two men were talking and I knew one of them was Cade, just by the way he growled every time he talked. I heard a light thud hit the floor, causing me to flinch and press myself against the cold metal I was bound to. Why was that? In my head I had pictured a torturing device.

"Get out of my sight." Cade seethed. I heard a door slam and then the faint sound of disappearing footsteps. I hung my head down, I was hoping Cade wouldn't do anything to me if I didn't pay him much attention. Silence enveloped the room and a distant beep sounded, causing Cade to laugh.

"Nick Whittemore." I heard Cade say after he finished his evil-like laughter. Was Nick here? Was the beeping sound a phone? I lifted my head up in the direction I thought Cade's voice was coming from. "I told you I would get your precious mate." It sounded like Cade was moving around, like he was constantly getting closer to me, then further away, it left me on edge, I was terrified he was going to do something.

"I will make you and your father regret ever going near my mate. When I'm done with her she will hate you and wish she had never met you." Cade continued, his words made me feel sick, I would never wish I had never met Nick, that's why I'm terrified of finding out what it is, he's going to do. Like how bad would he torture me, in order to make me wish something like that.

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