Chapter 7: The Terrifying Vision

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"What in the name of the Emperor did you think you were doing?" Nebulous was furious, Librarian Stellous unable to stem the rage that spewed from him. But Commissar Yarrick stood strong against this admonishment, Lord Commissar Stubbs standing beside him and Canoness Agna also looking on with distaste.

"I did what I judged to be right" Yarrick simply said, rubbing his hand on his chest, trying to soothe the pain that pulsed from it. Regardless, he had turned down the assistance of Nebulous' Apothecaries, determined to endure the pain of his failure to stop Ghazghkull's escape.

"What you judged to be right? Your brutish Ogryns could have killed my Space Marines, if they were but a tad more intelligent" Nebulous snapped back "You betrayed us and could have cost me men!"

"I betrayed you? I betrayed you?" Yarrick repeated furiously "Who was it who blocked the causeway with his warriors? Trying to steal the glory!"

"This wasn't about glory, you fool! It was about stopping Ghazghkull and his horde from stealing the power source!" Nebulous paced up and down, trying to contain his anger "I blocked the causeway to stop Orks getting out, not to stop Guardsmen getting in!"

"Ridiculous!" Agna interjected "I saw you jump ahead of the Guard the second they touched the causeway! You wanted the victory, and the glory!" Nebulous refused to repeat himself, simply glaring at the Canoness.

"Because you your foolishness, Ghazghkull got what he came for!" Nebulous said, turning back to Yarrick "I should have the Inquisition probe your entire damn regiment! And don't think I wouldn't if we had off-world communications functioning! The fact of the matter is, I was keeping the Orks trapped in the fortress and I trusted you to find your own way in! And you did, but then you wrecked the whole strategy!"

"The idea of a strategy is that every one in the force knows what they're supposed to be doing!" Yarrick was becoming increasingly frustrated, he feared that any moment now he would explode and strike the Space Marine Commander, plunging the Imperial forces into civil war once more. Fortunately, they were interrupted before this happened.

"Calm yourselves, all of you, you're acting like children!" it was Farseer Caerys, appearing to them once again, but this time she had company. Her Seer Council stood vigil around her, and by her side there also stood Eldrad Ulthran "This is my Lord Farseer from Craftworld Ulthwé, he arrived just before the Warp Storm made our Webway useless to us"

"Came here to doom yourself did you? I thought you Eldar were supposed to be wise" Commissar Yarrick sneered.

"Your attitude is an affront to your kind, human" Ulthran retorted with a hiss of distaste "We have come to warn you once again of an impending doom that you can prevent if you will just heed our words"

"I know what it is you believe, that the forces of the Warp are marshalling again somewhere in this world" Nebulous replied, his reserve recollected "But I assure you, for the very last time, that Chaos and its warped servants have been exterminated once and for all" Ulthran shook his head slowly, a light and chimed chuckle ringing from his helm.

"You still do not understand" he sighed "Then we have wasted our time here. We will leave Fort Montakaan in your control, but I would urge you to cease your petty in-fighting. It will destroy you, one way or the other when the great shadow falls over this world" Ulthran gave a slight bow and moved from their midst, but Caerys remained.

"Please, I implore you Commander!" she begged, on the very verge of going down on her knees "Do not seal your own doom"

"You have thus far failed to provide me with anything other than riddles, Farseer" Nebulous replied slowly "I will not risk the lives of my Space Marines on nothing more than a hunch"

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