Chapter 9: The Fall of Erstwhile

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"What news?" Eldrad Ulthran asked in his calm and unconcerned voice. Farseer Caerys knelt before him and looked up, her elegant helm shining in the strange light that enveloped their adopted city.

"The Tyranids have attacked Constantis, and the forces of Chaos have returned in full force" she reported "It is exactly as we foresaw, we have seen everything up to this moment. But here the future splinters. I see two possibilities, one will lead to the utter destruction of all humanity, all Eldar and all life within all of existence as Chaos spreads like a cancer across the stars. And this time there will be no Emperor, no great champion of man to save them"

"And the other path?"

"Will lead to a new golden age" she continued "The utter salvation of life and the defeat of Chaos. The first destruction of the Warp was only the first step to the fall of the Dark Gods. Chaos must be reborn to truly die"

"There is one other thing, Farseer" Ulthran said "What news from the Deathless Ones?" Caerys unwittingly let out a vile shudder at the name.

"The Necrons sleep in their tombs, Lord Farseer" Caerys revealed, a cold tone coming through in her voice "Their Monoliths are inactive and dormant, their sleep watched over by their vile C'Tan God, the Deceiver. They pose no threat to our operations"

"Good, then mobilize a force to Constantis" Ulthran concluded "As many as we can afford to send, leave only enough to defend this city. You must sway the zealots, and let them see that we mean them no harm. We cannot possibly survive this coming storm alone"

"As you command, Lord Farseer, so too shall it be" Caerys bowed and departed, as the Lord Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwé tented his nimble fingers and pondered. Before him, the armed fist of Ulthwé marched into the Webway Gate and vanished from the plane "And so we put our faith in our human overlords, they who believe themselves greater than the universe itself"

Tyranids. Monsters from beyond the reaches of known space that traverse the stars in search of new worlds to consume. These monstrosities were a horrific sight for the soldiers of the Imperial Guard when they marshalled their entire force and struck the city of Constantis. As Guardsmen stalked the streets suspiciously, their weapons raised and their hands shaking. Every so often, with little more than a yelp, a soldier would vanish from the darkening streets into a side alley, only serving to further the demoralization.

And then they stopped hiding. Bursting from the shadows with howl of rage so terrifying it could only come from such an alien creature. Termagants, their arched and armoured bodies in weird and wonderful colours, roaring uncontrollably and hacking at the Guard they charged forward and broke into the city. From behind them leapt the Hormagaunts, their razor sharp claws ready to rend and tear at the flesh of their victims. The Guard scattered, there was no chance to fend off this scale of surprise attack, and they knew it. Their superiors weren't around to tell them otherwise, so the soldiers broke off and scattered randomly, searching for some cover, any cover from this slaughter. But nowhere was safe, the nimble and rocket fast Genestealers zipped out of the darkness, their four clawed arms ripping away at the weak flak armour of the Guard. Then the ground itself became a blanket of death, as Rippers swarmed at their feet and devoured them. The squad did not last long.

From the skies came the jump forces of the Sisters of Battle, the feared Seraphim warriors, who with cries of zeal let loose their cleansing flames on the vile insects and torched them all into a pile of ash. The Sisters stood back, allowing Celestial Warriors to enter the streets and examine the dust with disgust. From the scattered flak armour they could tell the position and even cowering pose of their weak predecessors, and it filled them with hate. But as the cry of the Tyranids echoed over the city, they could not falter.

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