Chapter 11: The Necropolis of Eternal Damnation

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Thousands of the metal bodied Necron Warriors massed around the fortress of Montakaan, firing silently and accurately on the last remaining Imperial defenders. Frantic Commissars called into communicators for help, their faces torn with terror, only to receive silent static in return, moments before giant and monstrous Tomb Spyders crashed through the gates with their pincers and snatched them up, examined their broken bodies and tossed them to one side, disinterested. From the looming Monolith of Deception emerged the hunched and cloaked Necron Lord, his body reinforced with new C'Tan blessed armour and his death mask framing his glowing green eyes.

"Fire…the Monolith…we dig" he commanded in his rasping voice. With a sudden blast, a great arc of energy burst from the core of the Deceiver's Monolith, striking the very heart of the fortress and ripping it from the face of the planet. When the smoke and seared corpses of Guardsmen cleared, the Necron Lord stood at the brink of a large chasm, reaching deep into the core of the planet "The city…of death…will rise…again"

The Tomb Spyders hummed over the rocks, using their claws to rip at the face of the chasm, hoisting lumps of earth and tossing them away. The Dark Sorcerer watched with an emotionless glare as his servants did their work, Wraiths soaring high above to keep vigil. There was no reason for this, the heretic thought to himself, their enemies were crushed and nothing could stop the ascendancy of Chaos now. Still, it was unfortunate that he could not command the mind of Commander Nebulous and his Space Marines, or even that upstart Commissar Yarrick, but it mattered not as his Emperor had pointed out. The Sorcerer huffed at the thought, a God-Emperor of Chaos, what a ridiculous and petty notion. How the Chaos Gods could have endured such a heretical claim was lost to him.

It was not long before the Tomb Spyders emerged from the ruined fortress and hovered over their handiwork. The Sorcerer observed this carefully, and peered into the chasm to see a distant and ominous light at the end of the downward tunnel. The light was a sickly green, Necron Plasma generators.

"So, it is true then?" the Sorcerer noted to himself "The Nightbringer rests beneath our world after all. And to think I faltered in carrying out my curse. If I can control one C'Tan God, I can control two!" the Sorcerer chuckled to himself and raised his staff. From behind him, the Necron Lord and his force emerged and marched slowly and surely into the deep chasm "Descend into the Underworld, my slaves, your God will light your path. Find the deadliest Monolith ever awakened, disturb the slumber of your Death God and feed him my power. I will command the Nightbringer's power against the universe, and neutralize any opposing force!"

As the hideous laughter of the Sorcerer echoed across the land, a pile of smouldering rubble began to glow violently. Steam seared from beneath and smoke rose into the sky. With a cry of rage, a large, godly and bloody hand burst from the wreckage and clawed at the growing darkness that crawled over the land.

"You are sure of this?" Farseer Caerys was asking her Elite Ranger Squad, who sat on bended knee at her feet. Their tone was heavy with regret.

"Yes, Farseer" they said slowly "The Necrons left no survivors, and no trace of our headquarters. They trampled every living thing and destroyed all structures" Caerys struggled to come to terms with this, trying to understand why she had been so easily tricked by that vile C'Tan God.

"And…Eldrad Ulthran?" she asked with great caution, as though she already knew the answer.

"He has fallen" was the response, exactly as Caerys had expected "If I may, Farseer, it may have been possible that Ulthran foresaw this destruction and acted to preserve our forces so that we could continue in his stead"

"But how can I ever live up to him?" Caerys sighed "I am but a mere Farseer" Nebulous placed his armoured hand on her shoulder.

"I don't claim to know very much about Eldar culture" he said "But surely, this Eldrad Ulthran was a mere Farseer once as well. And from my experience with you, I'd say you have every potential to match or even exceed his power" Before Caerys could respond, yet more Rangers emerged from the Webway with a flash of energy and knelt before her.

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