Chapter Six

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3rd pov

A cold breeze carried through the air as tensions rose high. Dew to the recent violence that was growing. A truck roared through the streets. When it soon parked outside what looked like a flower shop. Lui got out of the truck as he looked at the sign. Lui eyed the sign with suspicion. As he heard Jon getting Evan out of the vehicle. "A flower shop really?" Luke asks. "Yes really..... they sell Foxglove here followed by other rare herbs. They will know the cure for it." Evan admits. "Will see." Lui says heading inside. Evan walked inside with Jon and Luke behind him. "Hello welcome in. How may I help you?" A lady asks looking at them. "We need a batch of 570." Evan says quickly. "I see follow me." She says quickly leading them into the back. In the back there was sealed off flowers with warning signs. Followed by medical supplies to make several cures.

"Foxglove is a pretty serious flower.. you got to be pretty careful. Lucky enough we made a fresh batch just today." The lady says quickly. "Good." Lui says. "Surprisingly enough I'm surprised there's others using such a flower we have only one customer that uses such a flower but he hasn't been here in days. Until earlier today." The lady says leading them into a room with vials. "What's the persons name?" Lui asks curiously. "He called himself Basically. From what I knew he would buy multiple Foxglove from our stock. He would the synthesis his own batch of the flowers lining his daggers with their poison. If he got you..... we'll sure enough you'd be dead. But that why buyers loved him because he was a skilled assassin." The lady admits grabbing a vial handing it to Lui.

"You said was a skilled assassin?" Lui asks. "Well yes he randomly stopped killing and disappeared until recently." The lady says quickly. Lui was silent as he began to think. "Well let's head back to the front and we can have you all set." The lady spoke. Lui nodded his head as they quickly went to pay for it. They soon walked out of the store as lui was in deep thought. "Lui what is it?" Jon asks noticing Lui's silence. ".... It's about this basically person it's hard to think that someone wants terrorizer dead." Lui says quickly. "I.... Know because we kill off our enemies but there had to be someone with a gauge." Jon says quickly. "Lui delirious we got to go terrorizer doesn't have long." Luke spoke quickly as he pushed Evan into the truck. Lui sighed as him and delirious got into the truck.


Brock, Marcel, and David watched them from the sidelines. "What's the move?" David asks. "Will go after them. Let's give them a taste on who they're fighting underneath our masks." Brock spoke quickly watching as the truck drove off. All three got into Marcel's truck as he followed the other truck. "Keep following when they get the hint is when will strike." Brock says quickly. Luke drove carefully but he couldn't help noticing the truck right behind him. A sinking feeling followed after but he kept driving and watching the trucks every move. "Toonz what's going on?" Lui asks seriously. "Truck behind us..... it's been following us." Luke spoke quickly. Lui looked at the review mirror and pulled out his gun. "Then let's get them to stop." Lui says quickly. Luke quickly rolled down Lui's window down. Lui went to shoot only for his gun to be nearly shot out of his hand. Lui was a bit surprised but looked to see a male in a bald eagle mask was in the back of the truck with his revolver out. "Drive faster." Lui yelled. Luke quickly pressed on the gas as he drove faster.

Marcel pressed on the gas as well not letting them get away that easily. Pretty soon Marcel was gaining on them. Lui tried to aim once more getting a shot off. The shot missed Brock by inches. Brock glared and shot out the review mirror with ease just as David got into the back and onto his motorcycle. "Fuck!" Lui snarled. "Lose them damnit!" Delirious yelled. "I'm fucking trying damnit!" Luke spoke. Brock quickly hopped onto the motorcycle just as David zoomed off Marcel's truck. David turned his motorcycle going after the truck but in lui's blind spot. Marcel hit the break and drove into an alleyway. Luke watched a bit confused until he noticed the motorcycle with Brock and David in front. Brock stared directly at them. "You got to be shitting me." Lui spoke. Lui pointed his gun forward shooting but David dodged it and Brock stood up balancing. "Keep it straight David as much as you can." Brock yelled. Brock shot his revolver just grazing Luke's left arm. "Just be careful we don't you getting killed." David yelled dodging another bullet. "I know..." Brock says quickly getting ready to jump. "Toonz do something." Lui spoke. "Hold on!" Luke yelled pulling a quick turn into an alleyway. "Shit they just turned into an alleyway!." Brock spoke sitting down. Just as David pulled a quick one eighty. Luke slammed on the gas as he turned a sharp left out of the alleyway onto a main road.

Lui looked out the window to see David and Brock way behind on a motorcycle watching them. This point not even bothering to follow. Lui sat back in the seat confused and concerned a bit. Luke didn't ease up on the gas until he turned into an alleyway parking the truck. "Who the fuck were they!?" Luke snarled out. "Bad news." Lui glared. Evan stayed silent. "Toonz you were hit.... You feeling alright?" Jon asks with a hit of concern. Evan noticed the concern quickly. "I'm fine the eagle bastard only nicked my arm with a bullet.... Plus it's just another scar to my collection." Luke spoke with a smirk as jon shook his head. "Just drive you idiot." Jon spoke quickly. "Evan..... you alright? Or did you get shot too?" Lui asks from out of nowhere. Evan was a bit surprised by Lui's concern. ".......I'm.....fine..." Evan admits. "Good." Lui spoke quickly just as Luke began to drive towards their base once more.

(Chapter Six is completely remade. Hope all of you are enjoying the story so far.)

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