Chapter 1 - Hardship

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Dark forces came from left, right and centre. Nowhere was safe. Hogwarts was not. Malfoy Manor was not. The slightest breeze would send chills up anyone's spine. There was constant vigilance, feeling the judging eyes as people walked down the street or looked up at the window shoppers.

Throughout every household, precautions were set up. Families struggled to keep any sanity left as people seem to go missing every day, a dead corpse surfacing every two. Tears flowed through everyone as some kind disease spreading like wildfire. Not having fear was rare, therefore those who were not scared were cast aside, thrown into prison.


Months had passed, it was nearing the end of March. Aliah strolled in the garden while Narcissa sat at the fountain running her hand through the water. Aliah watched as Narcissa pushed back any tears that formed. Aliah could tell that not having Lucius near was hard. The only thing that was keeping Narcissa going was the hope that he would return. Aliah hoped the same for Draco. Even though he was at Hogwarts, his task was dangerous, whether he fails or succeeds in killing the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Narcissa looked up at Aliah and gave her a weak smile. Aliah bowed her head in response. It had been lonely for the two of them. Even though Narcissa had her sister staying with her, Bellatrix was out killing and torturing muggles, muggle- borns and half-bloods. Aliah shuddered at the thought of Bellatrix Lestrange figuring out Aliah's secret. That she was alive and well, hidden under her nose.

Narcissa stood to her full height and walked inside. Aliah followed the short witch pass through the open French doors and into the sitting room. Narcissa sat at the grand piano and lightly played a soft melody. Aliah slumped down on the floor, rested her head on her white paws and closed her eyes as Narcissa sang:
"Oh you can't hear me cry
See my dreams all die
From where your standing
On your own.

Its so quiet here
And I feel so cold
This house no longer
Feels like home,"

Aliah listened to the music and forgot about the darkness threatening those she loves.

Song: So Cold by Ben Cocks

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