Chapter 23 - The Resurrection of the High Priestess

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August rolled around quickly. To Aliah, the past month was a blur. Her Draco slept together at night in her room then she followed either him or Narcissa during the day, though the Malfoy's were rarely separated.

Draco and Aliah sat on the floor in Draco's bedroom, searching through books of Earth and Blood magic. Aliah wanted to learn as much as she could. According to one of the books, there was a tribe of Naturalists living on a small island off Greece. Aliah read the passage and decided that she could go and learn from them. She looked over at Draco who seemed to be too busy reading to notice that Aliah slid it under his bed so Narcissa wouldn't take it back.

"Listen to this Aliah," Draco gasped, "apparently there was a really powerful sorceress thousands of years ago, before Hogwarts I mean,"


"She was so powerful that she couldn't control her Earth magic so she was burned at the stake. It says here that she somehow cast a curse unknowingly,"

"I don't understand the point of this Draco," Aliah sighed

"There is no point," Draco shrugged, "I just thought that it was interesting that she was so powerful and was the top witch to sit on the council and they burned her. Her own people burned her because she couldn't control her magic,"

"She was the High Priestess then?"

"A what?"

"High Priestess, it is a powerful witch that is the head witch of like a coven or group or in this case, the council,"

"How do you know about covens?"

"I read about them. Remember how my magic came to be? It was because I was interested in all this and practiced magic with crystals without even realising. Anyway what is this curse?"

"This book says something about her continuing to live through other people. This part here is scribbled out so I can't read it,"

"Let me try," Aliah offered her hand

"It's crossed out for a reason, maybe it's best just to leave it,"

"Come one Draco, give it to me,"

"Its Dark Magic Aliah,"

"I won't do anything stupid,"

"Fine," Draco passed her the book

"What do you mean scribbled? There is no scribble here,"

"Right here," Draco pointed to the spot where it was supposedly scribbled but to Aliah, it was a normal passage

"Maybe because I'm a naturalist I can read it?"

"Well what does it say then?" Draco said with curiosity

"Soul of fire

Blood of water

Skin of earth

voice of air,"

Aliah felt her body take deep breath of air and her head flung back, she couldn't speak. The room went dark and cold. The fireplace burnt out and cold air flew around Draco.

"Aliah," Draco moved closer but didn't touch, "Aliah?"

A voice came from her mouth that was not Aliah's

"come and sing of the darkness

come and assist me on my quest-"

"Aliah stop it! STOP IT," Draco reached out to touch her but her skin burned his fingers. Her eyes went fully black,

"until my goal is done

and when the song is sung,"

She rose from the ground and when she stood purple smoke swirled around her, hiding her from Draco's view. When the smoke passed, Aliah had long black hair with purple and green streaks. Though it was tied up in a ponytail, her hair was past her waist. She wore dark purple top that only covered her breasts with a triangle piece connecting to the skirt. The matching skirt was above the knee at the front but floor length at the back. The engagement ring was gone.

"Aliah?" Draco shuffled back with his feet. Aliah turned to Draco and smiled darkly

"Aliah?" Draco said quietly. She took a step forward but was disturbed when the door swung open. Bellatrix's eyes widen

"YOU!" Bellatrix dived for Aliah but in a poof of purple smoke Aliah was sitting on the bed

"What is-" Narcissa was at the door with Lucius behind her. Narcissa's face went pale at the sight of her sister having a murderous look at Aliah.

"It's not her!" Draco called

"Who are you?" Lucius pulled Narcissa behind him protectively. Aliah chuckled

"I'm afraid no time for introductions. You see I have things to do and people to kill," Aliah smiled and then suddenly transformed into a black raven. She flew through of the window as if it wasn't there at all.

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