Chapter 36 - Found You

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Aliah felt someone stroke her hair but didn't open her eyes, she was too tired to deal with anyone.


"Go away Draco," Aliah said still asleep


"I said go-" Aliah's eyes shot open and she immediately sat up. There stood in front of her in the flesh was her platinum blond fiancé. She jumped from her seat and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Draco caught her and twirled her in a circle planting kisses down her neck and shoulder.

"I've missed you, I've missed you so much," he said in between kisses. Aliah was placed back on the ground. She leant back but remained in his strong grasp

"How did you find me? This place has a tracking spell on it,"

"Blood magic. I managed to get your Father's blood and use it,"

"You Slytherin," Aliah punched his arm and hugged him tightly. Draco looked over to the bed where a boy - roughly the same age Draco and where Aliah almost recently had her head on his bare chest on- was asleep.

"Is that Stephan?" Draco asked

"Yes. Listen Draco I have to tell-"

"You kissed him didn't you?" Draco asked but not in angry tone that Aliah was expecting. Aliah looked down. Draco lifted her chin and pressed her lips to his

"We all make mistakes and I understand that. He was able to help you. He is part of something that I can never be and since we were separated for a few months... I love you Aliah Snape so I ask you this. Do you still want to marry me?"

"Yes. That is if you will take me," Aliah looked up at him and pressed her hand to his chest.

"Oh for goodness sake!" the couple turned to Stephan who now sat up on the bed, "you two are madly in love. Honestly, Malfoy is it? Aliah screams for you in her sleep and its Draco this, Draco that,"

"I do not scream his name!"

"Well I did hear his name every night," Stephan smirked. Draco grabbed Aliah's hand and turned her to face him

"Aliah is the wedding still going ahead?" Draco asked

"Yes," Aliah stepped onto her toes and reached for his lips but Draco lifted his head


"You're cute when your angry," Draco smirked

"Kiss me,"

"Now you want to kiss?"

"Come here!"

"Make me," Draco chuckled. Aliah smiled darkly. She stepped on her toes and breathed in his ear

"you can't resist me," Aliah pressed her body closer to him and kissed under his jaw. Aliah saw the tightness in his jaw muscles. Aliah chuckled lightly, she knew Draco was trying to stifle the moans. Aliah stepped back and turned around, swinging her hips as she made her way to the couch.

"HEY!" Draco chased after her.

"I'm going to leave you guys some privacy. I'll be half an hour," Stephan said but nor Draco or Aliah were paying attention. Draco pounced on Aliah and hovered over her body

"Make that an hour or two," Stephan sighed and left the hut.

"I found you," Draco said in a husky voice

"I love that voice. Its sexy," Aliah bit her bottom lip. Draco smirked and pressed his hips onto hers and flicked her earlobe with his tongue

"Your mine and only mine," Draco sucked on her collarbone, leaving a hickey where it would be seen.

"As long as I have you I don't want to be anywhere else," Aliah said


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