Chapter 41 - Family

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Draco slept on the chair next to Aliah with his wand in his hand. He didn't know how much time had passed since Aliah was brought back to the manor. He never left the room so his Mother occasionally came in to bring him food and to check Aliah's cuts. Aliah's knives remained as tattoos in her skin and her snake armband was also tattooed in her arm.

Narcissa knocked gently on the door and walked in when she heard no response. Her son needed a shave and he was going pale. Narcissa kissed his forehead and turned her attention to Aliah.

Narcissa opened the wooden box with the key and pulled out the healing cream. She carefully rolled Aliah to her side and pulled up her shirt. She dipped her finger in the cream and rubbed it carefully in her back. Narcissa sighed. She knew that those scars would be on her back for the rest of her life. She had a few scars of her own that had long faded from her fair share of the curse from her childhood.

"Mother is she ok?" Draco woke from his slumber. Narcissa pulled down Aliah's shirt and returned the cream back to the box

"Yes she will be just fine but she is still very weak. I can tell by her abnormal breathing,"

"What if Aunt Bellatrix curses her again?"

"She will not curse Aliah until she wakes and regains some strength. As sickening as it is, Bellatrix thrives on the screams of her victims. Draco, do you know what day it is?" Narcissa placed a hand on his shoulder.

"September twentieth?" Draco yawned

"No honey, it's October first,"

"What? She has been asleep for over a week?" Draco sat up

"Yes," Narcissa kneeled down at his feet. "I want you to eat something, have a hot shower and go to bed. I will wake you when something happens,"

"No I don't want to leave her. Not with Bellatrix running around,"

Narcissa rose to her feet and scowled at her son, "let me put this plainer. Go have a shower, eat and go to bed. Bellatrix will not harm her while she is in her weaken state. Bellatrix may be psychotic but she is not stupid. Now go!"

"No Moth-"

"Excuse me?" Narcissa snapped, "I do hope you are not disobeying me,"

"I'm so-"

"No. Now go to your room and I will send food," Narcissa frowned and pointed to the door. Draco opened his mouth to object but quickly closed it and walked out the door. He knew better than to argue with his Mother.

Narcissa sighed and fell into the chair. She rested her elbow onto the chair and hid her hand in her hand. A light tap came from the door

"Draco I told-"

"It's not Draco,"

Narcissa lifted her head and saw Lucius strut into the room. He went behind the chair and massaged Narcissa's shoulders. He bent down and kissed her cheek, then down her jaw to her neck. Narcissa moved her head to the side to give him more access to the exposed skin.

"You ok my little snake?"

"I scowled at Draco. I hate telling him off but I had to Luc. He hasn't left her side since she's been here,"

"Like Mother like son," Lucius chuckled against her neck. "He's coming again,"


"I don't know. I overheard Bellatrix talking. I suspect Severus is coming as well,"

"I promised Draco I wouldn't let Bellatrix hurt her,"

"What have you told me numerous of times?"

Narcissa sighed, "to not make promises that you can't keep,"

"Exactly. We both know that Aliah may not make it through this,"

"Don't say that!"


"NO!" Narcissa stood up and turned around to face her husband, "I will not allow it. I can't see Draco hurt. If she dies, he will too,"

"Narcissa he is stronger than that. He is a Malfoy," Lucius walked around the chair

"STOP THAT! You have always embedded the Malfoy name in his brain since he was a little boy Lucius. He's just a boy,"

Lucius stayed silent. He stepped forward and embraced his wife. Narcissa buried her head in the crook of his neck.

"Listen. We made a promise to Draco that we will protect her but Cissa we also made a promise to Aliah. We promised that whatever happens we put Draco first,"

"Lucius you know better than anyone what it is like for them. For them wanting to be together but cannot. We must try to save both. If Aliah dies Draco will die as well. If Draco dies I suspect Aliah will die as well. When she was in the Manor and I looked in her head, all I saw was Draco. I want to help them Lucius, I need to help them."

Narcissa laid her head on his shoulder and breathed deeply before continuing, "we need to keep our family together,"

"I promise we will," Lucius kissed her forehead. Narcissa stepped back and looked at his grey eyes with her piercing blue ones.

"Lucius I need to tell you something,"

"What is it Cissa?" Lucius kept hold of their interlocked hands. Narcissa moved his hands to her stomach and watched as his eyes moved from hers down to her stomach.

"Are you..? How...?" Lucius couldn't finish his sentences

"Yes Luc, I'm pregnant. Are you mad?" Narcissa's hands shook. They were told that they could never have a baby again but by some miracle, Narcissa knew she was pregnant.

Lucius shook his head before planting his lips onto hers. He pulled back and went down on to his knees.

"Hey little one, I'm your daddy.  Now don't go be a reckless little baby like your older brother. You be good and look after your mummy,"

Narcissa chuckled and twirled her fingers in his golden locks. Lucius kissed the stomach then stood back up and kissed his wife.

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