Welcome To The Jungle (A Axl Rose Fanfiction) *DISCONTINUED*

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP!" My alarm screamed at me to wake up from the peaceful land of sleep to cold harsh reality. I lazily opened my eyes and hit the clock so it would stop blaring the annoying noise. I placed my feet on the ground and pushed myself up so I could take a shower. I opened the curtains of my L.A. apartment and let the blinding warm sunlight flood my dark bedroom. I went to the bathroom and took my shower and got dressed. After my makeup and hair was done I picked out some clothes from my closet. I choose a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a Jack Daniels tanktop, and my black combat boots. I grabbed my messenger bag I used as a purse and put my wallet, keys,cigarettes, and my I.D. in it.

I walked down the many flights of stairs into the main lobby of the apartment building. After waving bye to the concierge, Robby, I headed out into the hectic streets of Los Angeles. I walked past all the many different looking people, there were the gothics, the wanna be rock stars, and many different kinds. Once I saw the book store I smiled at the line of people standing outside. They screamed once they noticed it was me, I smiled and waved but continued inside. I sat down at the table they had set up and got out two sharpies, you see I'm a author, I've wrote a book about a year ago and it became very popular.

The security guard took his place standing beside me in case any fans get a little crazy. I took a sip of my water and put a smile on my face when the let the fans in. A girl probably around my age with glasses walked up, "Hello, what's your name?" I asked. "H-Hi I'm Emily and I love your story." She smiled, "Aw thanks Emily!" I smiled and signed her copy of my book. I met a bunch of amazing fans that liked the book but I knew they all weren't here for the book. "Aren't you Steven Adler's sister? Ya know the drummer for Guns N' Roses." A girl that was dressed up like a slut asked, "Yes I am." I replied, oh didn't I tell you? I'm Steven Adler's sister. "Can you give him my number?" She asked sliding me a piece of paper with her number on it. I looked at the security guard and he escorted her out of the store. It has been a long and tiring day, don't get me wrong I love meeting my fans and all but I'm ready to go home.

I was packing all my things up when the security guard walked over, "Excuse me miss Haven, there's one more person here." He said, "Let them in." I sighed. I pulled out the sharpie out of my bag, when I looked up I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me. "OH MY GOSH! STEVEN!" I jumped up and hugged him. "Hey pip." He hugged me back, I looked behind me and saw the rest of GNR. "Can we go back to your place and catch up?" Steve asked, "Yeah sure c'mon." I grabbed my bag. I led them back to my apartment, we walked in and Robby looked so star struck. "Hey Robby." He just waved and I laughed and headed up the stairs. Once we got to my floor the guys were panting, "How do you walk up those stairs everyday?" A guy with red hair and a bandanna asked, "This is the reason I'm not 500 pounds." I said and the guys laughed. I unlocked the door and let the guys in, "Make yourself's at home." I said and went to my room to change into a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and went back outside to see the guys smoking cigarettes. I opened the window so it wouldn't be so smokey, and let some fresh air in.

I sat down beside Steven and lit up my own cigarette, "Are you gonna introduce us, popcorn?" I asked. "This is Axl, Izzy, Slash, and Duff, guys this is Haven." He introduced us, "Hello guys. It's nice to meet y'all." I smiled. "Do you guys want anything to drink or eat?" I asked going to the kitchen to get a Pepsi, "Bring us all a beer if you will pip." Steven yelled. I rolled my eyes and grabbed five beers and my Pepsi. I handed the guys their drinks and they mumbled something along the lines of "Thank you." or "Thanks." I took my place on the couch and sipped the bubbly liquid. "So tell us about what happened since I let to join the band." Steven said, "After you left I moved to L.A. and I got bored one day so I started writing. I wasn't gonna publish it or anything but my friends uncle publishes book and he read it and liked it so he published it." I explained. "So how is the band?" I asked, "It's been good so far. We've became pretty famous." Steven said. "A lot has happened in two years." I said more to myself than them. We spent the whole night catching up and getting to know each other. All the guys were pretty cool and of course gorgeous, except Steven because he's my brother, but something about Axl made my stomach do flips and my heart skip beats. Ugh oh!

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