Chapter Six

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Axl and I made it back before the guys like usual, I locked up the shed and walked beside Axl to the apartment. I felt him slip his warm hand into mine and looked over to see him smiling at me, "What? Is there something on my face?" I smiled, "No, you're just beautiful. I'm so happy you're mine." he said and gave my cheek a light peck. I felt heat rush up to my cheeks which caused Axl to chuckle, I buried my face into his chest, he just laughed and hugged me, "Stop making me blush." I whined into his t-shirt, it was muffled but I knew he heard it when his chest vibrated with laughter.

"Awh, look how cute!" we turned to see Duff and Slash wiping fake tears, "You guys are so adorable. My baby sister is growing up so fast." Steven said and walked over to give me a hug. I laughed and pushed him away from me, "You're so weird." I said with a smile. We continued our walk to my apartment but while we were in the lobby Duff spoke up, "I'll race ya Haven." he challenged, "Alright let's go." I accepted the offer.

"On your mark get set.... GO!" Slash counted us down and we raced up the many flights of stairs. For a guy in leather pants and boots he sure can move fast! Once we reached my floor we laid down on the floor to wait. He sprawled out on the floor and I laid my head on his stomach. Finally the sound of Steven's laughter rang out from the peaceful silence. I was actually enjoying the silence, well except for our heavy breathing, and surprisingly I was very comfortable.

Steven walked up and unlocked the door, Izzy, Axl, and Slash went ahead and went inside while Steven grabbed my arms and drug me into the living room. He left me on the floor and went to get Duff, he drug him in beside me. Duff and I went back to our original position, the guys turned on some tv show and I moved so I was more comfortable. I eventually fell asleep and woke up about two hours later still laying on Duff.

I stood up careful not to wake Duff and sat down on the couch next to Axl who was smoking a joint. "Where's the rest of the guys?" I mumbled still half asleep, "They went out to a bar." he said, "Why didn't you go?" I asked, Axl never refuses going to drink. "I wanted to stay where with you." he mumbled looking down like he was embarrassed. I took his cheeks in my hand and made him look at me, "That's so cute. Why are you embarrassed?" I asked, "Cause I don't want to seem clingy." he blushed, "At least that means you care about me." I gave him a small kiss.

That small kiss quickly turned more passionate, it was now a intimate make out session. My hands were tangled in his soft copper hair while his were tightly holding my waist. His hand was about to slip under my shirt when a cough sounded on the floor. We quickly jumped apart and looked down at Duff who was awkwardly laying on the floor, "Please don't dry hump when I'm like 3 feet away. I'm scared for life now." he whined which caused me and Axl to laugh.

Steven, Slash, and Izzy came stumbling in the door a few minutes later, "You guys went out to drink?" I asked the swaying men, "Yep." Steven said popping the 'P'. I walked over to help them walk to the couch, Steven leaned on me for support while the other two guys were already on the couch. I went to start on a dinner, I'm making Mac N' Cheese with bacon bits, yum!

After I put the warm cheesy meal into a couple bowls I walked out to give them to the men, I almost dropped the bowls when I saw what they were doing. The guys were snorting up white lines of what I was guessing was cocaine. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled at them, furious they were doing this in my apartment. "Cocaine, want some?" Izzy asked, not noticing how mad I was at the situation. "I DON'T WANT ANY OF THAT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT IN MY APARTMENT? YOU KNOW I HATE COCAINE, I CAN'T STOP YOU FROM DOING IT BUT I SURE AS HELL AIN'T GONNA PUT UP WITH IT WHILE YOU'RE IN MY APARTMENT!" I roared. I slammed the food down and walked off to my room to get my jacket and put on some shoes.

After lacing my converse and slipping into my leather jacket I grabbed my pack of Marlboro's and went to the front door. In the living room the guys were still sitting on the couch but every trace of drugs gone. Their heads snapped up when they notice me walk by, "Where are you going?" Axl questioned, "Out." I responded and slammed the door when I left.

They just don't understand, I hate the fact they do drugs, weed is fine but not herion and cocaine, and when they do it in my apartment that's just crossing the line. It was still busy out here on the streets of LA, I passed the strange crowds and headed straight for the tattoo shop. By the time I arrived at the shop I had been offered drugs by four different dealers and asked out twice. I pushed open the glass door and waved at Austin, the owner, and headed straight to the back room where I knew a couple of my friends hang out at.

I was right, they sat on the old leather couch smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. "Hey Nikki, Tommy, Vince." I smile at them, I didn't know where the rest of the band was. "Hey Haven."Nikki slurred, "Can I hang out with y'all tonight?" I questioned, they looked at each other but nodded. "What happened with you and Rose?" Tommy asked, "Something, but it wasn't just Axl, it was the rest of them too." I said sitting down and lighting my own cig.

I woke up on the couch surrounded by Vodka and Jack Daniel bottles, and a massive hangover. I needed to get home so I wrote a note telling the guys I went home, I stumbled out of the shop holding my head. I ran into multiple people which earned me nasty looks but all I wanted to do was sleep.

I finally made it up the stairs and knocked on the door since I forgot my key when I left yesterday. The door opened to reveal a shirtless Steven, "Where the hell have you been?" he yelled, I clamped my hand over his mouth. His yelling wasn't helping my hangover, it already felt like someone was splitting my head open with a rock. I pushed past him and laid on the floor, I didn't even try to go to my room, "Where were you?" Axl and Steven asked, "With the guys of Motley Crüe." I mumbled trying to go to sleep. "How do you know them?" Izzy and Slash asked, "Meet them when I first moved here and kinda had a thing with Tommy." I said, "What do you mean had a thing with Tommy?" Axl asked, "We went on a couple dates, it didn't work out but now we're friends." I explained. "Can I go to sleep now?" I added. "Yeah." they all said together, I was almost asleep when I felt muscular arms pick me up. I'm not the lightest or the skinniest person ever, actually I'm kind of chubby so whoever was picking me up I didn't know. I slightly opened my eyes to see Axl carrying me to my room, he softly laid me down on my bed and headed towards the door but my hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, "Stay." I mumbled and then went to sleep.

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