Chapter Eight

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Yesterday after the news I drank a whole bottle of Jack, it was stupid but I've done a lot of stupid things. The feeling of vomit slowly creeping its way up my throat is what I woke up to. I threw Axl's arm off me and sprinted to the bathroom, I leaned over the toilet and let the foul liquid exit my body. Axl's soft hand held my hair up in one hand while the other was rubbing my back in soothing circles. Once I was positive all I was done I flushed the toilet and laid my head on the cold tile floor. Axl walked out of the bathroom and disappeared, "Good job Haven you grossed out the only guy that likes you! I say in my head, but thankfully Axl did return and with a glass of water.

He sat down beside me and offered me the drink, I greedily grabbed it and sipped the cold liquid letting it sooth the burning in my throat. After the glass was completely empty I stood up and brushed my teeth so the taste would leave. Jack taste good going down but sucks coming back up! "Thank you Axl, for everything." I say after rinsing my mouth of toothpaste. "You're welcome and I know you'd do the same." he smiled giving me a hug. "Well I'm going to take a shower, okay?" I said and Axl nodded going back out to my room. After bathing I slipped into a Def Leopard t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans, I also put on my makeup and did my hair.

I walked out and sat by Slash and Izzy, "So what's the plant for today?" I ask, "Well today would be perfect for you to show them how you play drums." Axl winked, "Damn, I hoped you forgot." I whined. "Since when have you played drums?" Steven asks, "Since you left and I got some sticks and a set." I say with a smirk. "So you taught yourself?" Izzy asks, "Yeah, I remembered some stuff from watching Steven play all the time. I'm nowhere as good as Steven but I just thought it would be fun." I say and pick at my nails, "Let's go to our practice center and hear." Slash says, I pulled on my sunglasses and converse and follow them.

"What are we doing at Guitar Center?" I wondered out loud, "You'll see." Axl whispers in my ear which gives me shivers. We walked to a building ebbing Guitar Center, "Welcome to our make shift house!" Duff says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. He sat me down in front of Steven's drum set, "GO AHEAD WITH YA BAD SELF!" Steven yelled jokingly. I sat down on the black stool and grabbed Steven's drum sticks off the floor, "What song?" I ask, "What can you play?" They ask, "Sweet Child O' Mine, Rocket Queen, and Night Train." I say. "Night Train." they all say and, "1...2...3.!" I mumble to myself and begin playing.

After I hit the last note I looked at the guys who had a shocked expression. "Was I that bad?" I ask, "THAT WAS AMAZING!" they yell and each give me hug. We all sat down on the random couch scattered around, well I sat on the floor. "Are you guys excited? Appetite for Destruction tour starts in 4 days. I had to count the days, they told me yesterday which was Sunday, today is Monday and they leave of Friday so yeah 4 days is all I have left with my boys. "Yeah, but we're gonna miss you." Axl says pulling me into his lap, "Well before you go can you do me a favor?" I ask, they all look at me to continue, "I want you guys to perform for me. Ya know since I won't get to see the concerts on tour." I say. They all smile, "Let's give Haven a real Guns N' Roses concert!" Axl says jumping up and walking to the mic.

Once all the amps were hooked up and guitars plugged in they started on the introduction of Sweet Child O' Mine. They played Sweet Child O' Mine, Out Ta Get Me, My Michelle, Night Train, and It's So Easy. After the last chords of My Michelle I started clapping, "THAT WAS AWESOME, AND WAY BETTER THAN FRONT ROW!" I yell and gave them all a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Glad you liked it babe!" Axl kissed my neck, "We have a couple more days with our girl so let's go celebrate!" Duff says and heads towards the door, we all laughed and followed.

We enter the Rainbow and sat in the big booth in the back, I sat between Izzy and Axl. "I'm going to get the first round of shots." Duff says and he heads off through the crowd, you could still see him since he was 1000ft tall, even on me,I'm 5'8 and barely come up to his chin. All the guys were talking about something but I wasn't paying attention. Duff came back with a tray of shots, he sat them on the table and everyone grabbed one, well everyone except me. "You okay? You never not drink." Steven tells over 'Girls Girls Girls' by Motley Crüe blaring in the background. "Yeah I'm fine, I've been drunk all the time since I met you guys so I'm not gonna drink tonight." I say and smile, the guys just shrug and continue drinking.

We've been here for three hours and the guys are piss faced drunk, "C'mon guys let's head home." I say and help the guys up. We were almost home when I heard a loud 'BANG!' I looked over to see Steven clutching his hand. I run over to him and examine his hand, the bones were sticking up in weird directions and turning purple. I grab his arm and lead the guys to my apartment, once we got there I made sure they went to sleep near trashcans and grabbed Steven. I led Steven to the Hospital and took him to the E.R.

We are now leaving the Hospital, they just confirmed what I already knew, his hand was indeed broke and couldn't use it for two months. We got back to my apartment and let him sleep on my bed, I didn't sleep that night cause every once and a while one of the guys would wake up and puke then go back asleep. It's gonna be a hell of a long night!

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