Chapter Thirteen

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It's been five months since I found out I'm pregnant, Kiefer has kept his word and let me stay with him and he has almost helped me. About two months ago Kiefer and I got into a relationship, I still haven't heard anything from Axl, which I'm still debating if it's a good or bad thing. Duff and Steve have called and tried to get me to come back or at least visit them but I always decline. They would freak shit and tell Axl if they found out I was pregnant, so as far as I'm concerned nobody will find out.

"Hey babe, I'm home." Kiefer says as comes to give me a kiss, "Hey, how was work?" I ask. "Ah, it was alright, but I found something I thought you might want to see." he says, the worry laced in his voice sparked up my own fear. He handed me a magazine, I expected it to be something about Axl or someone but no on the front was a huge picture of me with my large baby bump and holding Kiefer's hand. The title read, 'Haven Adler and Kiefer Sutherland, new couple and expecting a baby.' , oh shit. "Where did you get this?" I ask, "My manager gave it to me, their not that happy." he says, "Shit Kiefer, I'm sorry. Now my problem is messing with you and Steven is gonna flip when he sees this." I say, I feel bad cause Kiefer has done nothing but be nice to me and now it's getting him in trouble.

"Look it's fine, you're my girlfriend and i knew what I was getting myself into when I picked you up." he says, "Axl is gonna hold this against me if he finds out its his." I say, "Then we can't let him find out it's his, we can tell everyone it's mine." he says, "Are you sure about that? That could get you in even more trouble." I say, "Yes it's fine." he says. Our conversation ends there cause my phone starts to ring, "Hello?" I ask, "HAVEN, WHAT THE HELL? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU'RE PREGNANT?" Steven yells, he yelled so loud that I had to pull the phone away from my ear in fear of going deaf. "Stop fucking yelling! I didn't tell you cause I knew you would trip tits." I say.

After a hour long conversation and them treating to track me down I agree to meet up with them, so tomorrow they are coming to our house.

-The Next Day-

I wake up the next day with one of Kiefer's arms around my waist and one under my head. I could feel his breath hit the back of my neck and I couldn't help but smile, even though i'm having Axl's baby, I love Kiefer and I'm not planning on leaving him. "Good morning." he whispers, his morning voice is so hot. "Morning. Whatcha want for breakfast?" I ask, "Muffins." he mumbles. I nod, muffins sound delicious. I get up and throw on a white maternity dress, I straighten my hair and apply my makeup then brush my teeth. Before I go start breakfast I take a few minutes to admire Kiefer's bare chest. "You like what you see?" he jokes, I nod then let him get dresses.

"Babe, food's done." I yell and he comes out of our bedroom wearing a white button down with the sleeves rolled up and some light colored jeans. As always he looks perfect. I put three on each plate and put some butter in them then hand him his plate. We eat and we we're done he washes the plates.

At twelve there's a knock on the door, Kiefer has to help me up then I go answer it. I take a deep breath before opening the door, on the other side stands the whole band. "Hey there baby sis." Steven says, "Hey big bro." I say when he pulls me into a hug, I hug each guy, even Axl.

I lead them to the living room where Kiefer shakes their hands, then the most dreaded part starts. The questions. "So how did y'all meet?" Duff asks, "I picked her up when she was hitch hiking." Kiefer answers, "Is it a girl or boy?" Steven asks, "Girl." I say, "What's her name?" Slash asks, "Penelope Marie Sutherland." I say, we already had a name picked out. "How far along are you?" Izzy asks, "Five months." I say and place a hand on my bump, "Are you happy?" Axl asks, "Of course." I say, I guess Penelope could hear his voice cause when he spoke she kicked, "She's kicking." I say and laugh when Steven rushes to put his hand on my stomach, I watched as his face lit up with a smile as she kicked his hand. "Hey there, I'm your uncle, I'm the coolest of the five." he says and the boys reply with nopes.

The guys start to ask Kiefer questions so I excuse myself to the kitchen to get a glass of water, "Is it Axl's?" a voice says scaring the crap out of me, I whip around to see Izzy leaning against the wall. "What?" I ask, "Is it Axl's?" he asks again, "No why would you ask that?" I ask, "Because you're only five months, you've known Kiefer for four." he says, damn you Izzy for being smart. "Yes, but you can't tell him." I say, "And why not?" he asks, "Cause I'm happy with Kiefer and him finding out would ruin it. Kiefer is okay with being the dad, he said so." I say. "Look either you tell him or I will. It's not fair to him that he doesn't know he has a kid." he says, "Fine." I say and strut past him into the living room. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to speak with Kiefer for a moment." I say and Kiefer gives me a confused look but follows anyway.

"What's up?" he asks, "Izzy figured it out, he said that either I tell Axl or he will." I explain, "Damn it. Then we'll have to tell him I guess." he says and i nod, we go back out to the boys, I shoot Izzy a glare and sit down. "Okay, I haven't been completely honest with you guys. Kiefer isn't the dad, Axl is. I didn't want to tell you becuase I didn't want to ruin anything, but Axl if you want to be in its life then I'm okay with that but I'm not leaving Kiefer." I blurt out, it feels like a weight has been taken off my shoulders. "Wait, I'm th dad?" Axl asks, I nod. "I gotta go." he says and leaves the house, slamming the door on the way out. The rest of the guys looked shocked, except for Izzy who goes after Axl. They all give me disapproving looks then follows their other band mates.

I start to sob, and i mean the ugly, snotty cry. Kiefer pulls me into his chest and says soothing things into my ear, like how he isn't ever gonna leave me and just reassuring me. I might of just lost my brothers, Kiefer carries me upstairs and I lay on the bed wrapped in his arms and just cry until I fall asleep.

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