12 ~ Melkor

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 As they strode down in the dark dungeons where only screams and groans of pain could be heard, Melkor felt his head heavy and a wave of dizziness hit him. It was as though the iron crown upon his head was trying to crush him, break his neck and spine. Thus, he had to slow down a little and lean against the cold wall for a few seconds in order to regain his balance before resuming to walking.
 When they eventually reached the cages where the prisoners were kept, filthy and rusty bowls for food and water placed on the floor here and there, the Vala came to a sudden halt in front of the cage where a fragile, skinny redhead elf crawled himself in an attempt of keeping himself warm.
"Greetings, Maedhros, son of Feanor!" Melkor grinned and shot a quick glance to his lieutenant.

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