90 ~ Mairon

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As soon as Mairon was out of sight of the chaos occurring behind him, he slowed his stallion to a walk.
No, the arrow wouldn't kill him. No, it couldn't cause any long term damage, he was a Maia after all. Mortal wounds did not make a difference.
But it still hurt like hell.

Cuivie had always been extraordinarily bumpy to ride, due to the amount of energy coursing through his body, but Mairon had enjoyed it.
The horse's excitement thrilled him. It was contagious.
Now, however, when every step sent an agonising jolt across his chest, he wished that his steed would just slow down for Eru's sake.

Blood spurted from the wound. It didn't matter, as blood loss usually caused no damage whatsoever, but he could feel the first strands of panic running into his mind.
He should have left the arrow in. Yeah, not quite as impressive as pulling it out, but it would have prevented him from ruining a good set of battle garments.
And Valar, he felt dizzy. His heart began to thud as he realised that maybe, like Melkor, he could be more mortal than he previously imagined.

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