93 ~ Melkor

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Despite the insistence of the Noldo, a few more seconds ticked away before the Vala's hands were capable of any movement at all.

Countless thoughts rushed into his head in a complete disorder, flushes of both concern and hatred stabbing through him with concerning speed. He couldn't and he /didn't/ want to believe that the damn elf, that accursed Fëanorian, was actually willingly offering them his help. He didn't need that help. And not in a thousand years would he accept that help.

But his lieutenant, laying motionless and so terribly brittle in his arms, looked in need of that help.

"I hope you've got enough brains left to realize that this won't help your situation in any way, scum," the Dark Vala snarled back at Maedhros, his hands now firmly pressing on the gash.


Author's note:
I'm so so so sorry for the lack of updates. We've both been really busy and stressed with school stuff, but I'm trying to make up for it :)

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