60 ~ Mairon

439 23 2

Half an hour later and the damn elf was still staring at the blackened meat in front of him. He hadn't said anything but Mairon assumed he was worried that it was poisoned.
Good guess, but the food was genuine.
"Eat the bloody food", he said forcefully.
"It might be the best you'll get for a while".

Maedhros looked at him for a while, as if judging how truthful he was.

Mairon was really getting sick of this.

"Eat it... Nelyo".

That last word was like setting off a bomb.
"Don't you call me that!" The elf screamed in a rapid blur of Quenya, standing from his chair until the chains restricted him.
His eyes were burning, nose flaring, face contorted in anger and tears of rage cascading down his hollow cheeks.

Mairon smirked.

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