Chapter 42: Say You Won't Let Go.

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I sighed softly then headed back down the hallway to our room. Beau was wide awake in her bassinet, content with the mobile turning above her head. She looked just like Juice; she looked up at me with his mirrored big brown eyes. I smiled down at the small girl wrapped in a pink receiving blanket. She had a full head of thick black hair, just like her brothers and her dad. Her skin has bronzed into a soft rose gold with pretty pink cheeks. She looked so sweet and innocence.

My attention turned to Juice coming up from downstairs; he was out in the garage doing something. I'm pretty sure he's realized his kutte isn't in the van anymore. It was under my side of the bed. Juice came bounding into the room and began to rummage through the closet hastily.

"What're you looking for?" I asked softly. Juice looked over his shoulder at me and scoffed slightly.

"Nothing important. Don't worry about it." He stated with a crooked smirk. Yeah, he's realized that his kutte isn't in the van anymore. I bent down and pulled the black leather from under the bed, tossing it onto the bed.

"Looking for this?" I questioned coldly. Juice stopped, turning to me and looked down at the kutte on the bed. He suddenly wore a very familiar expression of dread and defeat. His dark eyes found mine with a heavy sigh.

"Where'd you find that?" He asked weakly. I shook my head and frowned.

"It fell out when I went to get my suitcase yesterday. You didn't really hide it very well." I commented, pointing out the obvious. I wonder if he wanted to get caught and that's why he didn't hide it very well.

"Oh." He breathed. I looked down at the sewn-on reaper sprawled across my bed. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why do you have it?" I asked in a soft voice that sounded vulnerable and weak. Juice frowned at the kutte then at me.

"I need it." He replied quietly. My eyebrow cocked curiously.

"Why do you need it?" I asked another question that I wasn't sure I wanted an answer for. But his lack of voice gave me my answer. Things started to click; the unexplained absences, he hasn't blocked out the tattoo, the bills always being paid off and up to date, the password protected "work phone", and now, the kutte. He was working with the Sons again. I don't know how because the last I heard Jax wanted to kill Juice. So, I'm not sure how Juice is working with them again.

I felt the tears begin to prickle at the corners of my eyes. I felt hideous and played but I couldn't stop myself from finding myself in Juice's arms sobbing. He held me close and stroked my hair gently.

"You said," I sobbed. "–You . . . –You said you were done with that." I sobbed and gasped. Juice sighed heavily and continued to stroke my hair to calm me down.

"I know. But we need the money and it's all I know how to do." He explained honestly. I frowned and held him tighter to me. I looked up at him with blurry eyes.

"When we moved here you said everything was going to be normal. You promised me no more clubs, no more guns, no more violence; no more Sons. You promised our family." I reminded Juice of his promise he made not only me but to our family as well. He promised me that there would be no more Sons of Anarchy, no more illegal behavior. If Jax or Clay finds out that Juice still has his tattoos and is wearing his kutte, Juice is dead.

Juice frowned at me and sighed again. He looked like he had something to tell me, something important.

"It's safe now." He told me bluntly. My eyebrows furrowed together confusedly.

"What does that mean?" I asked curiously. Juice's frown stayed but sympathy beamed in his dark eyes. My confused expression became deeper and easier to read.

The Life and Death of Girl Unknown (UNDER REVISION AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now