Chapter 6: Will You Still Call Me Superman?

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Chapter 6: Will You Still Call Me Superman?

"Tell her how you got that bruise, Juice." Chibbs sneered at Juice, making him painfully sob with tears rolling down his face. My heart started to ache and that lump reformed in my throat. I suddenly became worried beyond belief. Juice shook his head and frowned painfully.

"I can't."

"She deserves to know." Chibbs snapped at him. I leaned towards Juice, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand. As worried as I was that natural mothering instinct kicked in.

"Whatever it is, I will always love you and be there for you." I reassured him generously. Juice stared at me with tears staining his cheeks and sadness tinting his eyes.

"Monday night I tried hanging myself." He suddenly blurted out. The only thing I could do was sit there and watch as my entire world dropped like a disco ball and shattered on the floor. I couldn't help but look at the bruise that almost wrapped around his neck, I could see chain prints embedded into his skin. It suddenly made sense to me. He was acting like a scared child because he was in a place he's never been before.

I winced and tried to stiffen up my lower lip but I couldn't. I couldn't stop the betrayed tears from falling. I tightened my grip in his hand and tried to hold it together.

"Chibbs, can Juice and I be alone, please?" I asked quietly. Chibbs nodded and got up from the table, put his mug into the sink, kissed the top of Juice's head before he left the house. Juice and I just sat there quietly. What else was I supposed to do? I just learned that Juice attempted suicide. The love of my life, the father of my two beautiful boys tried to end his life.

"Why did Chibbs know before me?" I finally asked after a long moment of silence.

"He and Tig found me. But they only found me after I had fallen from the tree. I told them the same thing I told you. It wasn't until last night Chibbs found out what really happened." Juice admitted honestly. I knew it was the truth by the way his voice shook when he spoke.

"What about your family? What if you succeeded? Percy and Daylon would've had to grow up without you and those two boys love you more than they love life it self." I told him being brutally honest. Juice sobbed sadly and agreed with me.

"I was trying to protect them." Juice said flatly.

"By killing yourself? You can't protect your babies by ending your life. If you think they'll join the club if you're alive, by killing yourself you'll be driving them straight into the arms of the men of the club." I told him honestly.

"Chibbs wouldn't allow that. You wouldn't allow that." Juice told me something I already knew. We both knew that Chibbs and I wouldn't allow either of the boys to join the club. I shook my head and frowned.

"Juice that's not the point, if something is bothering you talk to me. I talk to you about everything so why can't you talk to me about what's bothering you?" I asked plainly. Juice stopped his whimpering and wiped his eyes tiredly.

"Because I don't want you to know the things I've seen or done. It's too bad for you to know. I love you too much."

"I don't give a shit about what you think I can or cannot handle. I care about your mental health." I told him harshly as I stood up from the table. I left him to ponder about what I just told him.

A heart can handle endless love but it can only withstand a few saddened blows that discourage the already jaded soul. The hardest part is to tell the two apart, depending on the person who loves you. Love can be blinding but it can also reveal the truth in any person. You will learn with time how to separate the two.

The Life and Death of Girl Unknown (UNDER REVISION AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now