Chapter 5: I'll Carve My Initials in Your Skin.

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Chapter 5: I'll Carve My Initials in Your Skin.

"You two need to have a little girl, it'll be good for everybody." Gemma in formed us as she managed to burp Daylon effectively. She stood up with him in her arms, Juice had gotten the car seat from our bedroom so they could strap him in. I felt blessed that Gemma wasn't only taking Daylon for the day but she's picking Percy up from School this afternoon. Gemma Teller is a blessing in disguise.

Juice and Gemma rounded the herd of kids out to the car effectively while I watched from the front window, thinking that maybe, just maybe, having another baby in the nearer future would actually be good. I really want to have a daughter but at the same time I don't want to have a daughter. My mom was never around so I grew up around boys; Gemma is the first mother figure in my life. That statement in itself should say something, I'm not exactly cut out to have a daughter. They say girls are ten times worse than their mothers and as a teenager I was terrible.

Juice came back into the house with a ginger smile that I couldn't help but grin at. But there was something worrying in his eyes. I didn't like the look in his dark eyes, it's nothing good.

"It hasn't been this quiet since before Percy was born." He commented cheekily. I chuckled and nodded in agreement. He laughed and ran his hand over his scalp, momentarily covering the tattoos on either side of his dark mohawk. He awkwardly shifted his weight with an awkward smile.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Juice asked after Gemma pulled out of the drive. I smirked devilishly and swayed effortlessly until I was standing in front of him.

"I've got a few things in mind." I purred to him seductively. His eyes lit up with a lustful joy.


"Yep, there's an entire list of things I want you to do for me. But first things first, we need to do the grocery shopping." I practically ruined his lustfulness with a big list of chores I need him to do that I can't.

"Oh! You are such a tease." He commented cupping my face in the palms of his hands. I grinned up at him before pecking his lips quickly.

"Today, you're my bitch."

I didn't realize how quickly he wanted to get everything done so he could have some r'n'r time with me. He cut the grass and watered the lawn, and swept the drive after going grocery shopping with me. He was so patient with me taking my sweet time in choosing the best foods and products for my family. When all of the house work was done I met Juice in the bedroom where I had promised him some fun. And it was indeed fun. The first time I slept with Juice was when I was two weeks short from my eighteenth birthday. It was still illegal but it wasn't like my parents were going to stop me from doing it. Juice felt guilty as hell; that killed me inside. I wanted that experience to be special for the pair of us. If I could go back and change that I wouldn't because that was the night I got pregnant with Percy and that little boy is my shining star, my sun and my moon; my planets, and my galaxies, and everything in between.

I found it ironic that my dad was a teen parent and so was I, but I was at least an adult when I had Percy and Daylon. I wasn't still an adolescent according to the law. I was also happy that the first time we had sex, I had already left Huntington Beach and was in Charming with Juice, far away from my parents. I left my dad a note so he wouldn't put a missing persons report on me. I told him that I was leaving with some friends to live as a hippie in a van in the woods. It's better than saying that his minor of a daughter was running away with a 21 year-old biker in a gang, oh sorry, "club". He would've lost his shit and sent out search parties for me and had Juice arrested for "molesting" and "kidnapping" me.

I emerged from the bathroom in my bathrobe, it wasn't tied around me but I had my hands pulling at the hems to keep it closed. Juice was lying in our messy bed, he was resisting the urge to have a cigarette and I could see the angle and demon waring inside his head. He was lying on top of the covers in all of his naked glory. He looked so much like his mom, the Puerto Rican side of his gene pool. His skin glowed a bright golden-bronze colour in the late morning light. His coffee bean coloured eyes moved from the carton on the nightstand beside him to meet my gaze, he immediately smirked cheekily. I painfully stepped into our bedroom, I was walking like a robot. I now know why the Doctors said we had to wait a minimum of 6 weeks before having sex, we didn't even wait 4½ so I was in a lot of pain.

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