Chapter 14: Ambivalent.

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Chapter 14: Ambivalent.

I hovered in the main room while Chibbs and Juice had a few private words in the small office. After the phone call Juice and Chibbs escorted me and Daylon to the clubhouse where they waited for Jax to arrive to give him the news. Daylon was fast asleep in his car seat. I paced back and forth, almost running a rift through the flooring. I was so filled with an untainted rage that I was shaking violently. I don't understand why or how my own dad could do this to me. If he wanted to talk and visit his grandkids then he could; but he chose to corner me on the street then attack the love of my life. If I said anything about mom then he'd flip his shit on me but he gets to talk shit about the man I've been with for nearly 7 years, the father of my children, the one man who hasn't left me because I have too many issues.

I still remember the night I left. It was a School night and I was at dad's instead of else where. I was sitting up in my room just writing. My bag was packed and already outside in the bushes. I managed to lower it down using my bed sheets. I didn't pack a lot, a few outfits and the necessities that I needed. I wrote my dad a note telling him not to worry because I was going to go become a hippie. I said that Juice and I were only friends and that he shouldn't come looking for me.

Suddenly Juice became Romeo by rocking pebbles at my window. I shut off my light and climbed out the window. I grabbed my bag and we both dashed for the tow truck. Jax was pissed with Juice because I was still underage and this is considered kidnapping but I assured Jax that this is what I wanted. I wanted to be with Juice in Charming, that is where I belonged.

My chain of thought was ended when I saw out the window, Gemma's car pulled into the lot. And before I knew it I was briskly walking through the sun filled concrete lot towards her. She looked pleasantly surprised to see me.

"Hey, I heard about what happened this morning. I can't believe your own father did this to you." She was trying to manipulate me into seeing red even though I already was. I know Gemma's ways but she looks at me like I'm her daughter, well actually I'm her niece. My mom is her older sister. That's why the Sons were in Huntington when I met Juice. Jax had no idea he had a cousin until Gemma told him about my mom and dad, and me so he decided to give me a call then come down to meet me with his mom. Meeting family who actually gave a fuck about me was refreshingly appreciated.

I remember when I arrived in Charming she was pissed with Jax and Juice, Chibbs had no idea I was with them until we were at a rest stop to fuel up. He was so angry with Jax but I told him what was going on, he seemed to calm down after that but he was still mad. But nonetheless my Aunty was happy I was home. She warned me though, that if I was going to be with Juice that it was going to get messy. I told her that I was prepared to handle that because I cared very much for him. Gemma basically became my guardian and I love her for caring about me so much. But since I've known her I've learned that there are times where I cannot trust her regardless of blood relations.

"Gemma you don't need to manipulate me to see red, you need to teach me to use a gun." I cut straight through the chit chat and got to the point. She suddenly smiled down at me and nodded modestly.

"Maria, you can't kill your dad." I didn't understand, when it comes to protecting your children no one is safe. She's the one who taught me that but now she's saying I can't kill my dad.

"Why not?" I quizzically asked crossing my arms over the black tank top under the brown leather jacket.

"Because I promised your mom I'd keep the idiot safe." She replied. I knew she was telling the truth, I don't know how but I knew. I haven't seen my mom since my sixteenth birthday for reasons I haven't even told Juice about.

"Gemma, he hired someone to kidnap my child, a complete stranger. If he is willing to do this then he will be willing to meet their needs which means Juice is in danger and I will not stand by and allow this to happen." I admitted to her shakily.

The Life and Death of Girl Unknown (UNDER REVISION AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now