Chapter 4: The Secret Key.

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Chapter 4: The Secret Key.

I stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room with my arms crossed over my chest. Juice didn't notice me standing there again as he rocked the infant and swayed with a tenderness that I've almost forgotten he has.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked curiously without even thinking about it. Juice looked up at me and frowned grimly. He hasn't looked very happy since Friday, usually spending time with me and the boys helps him deal with things. It melts his stress away.

"I wish I was but I'm not." He replied weakly. I frowned sadly at his response. I was glad he was being honest though. I moved from the doorway to his personal space and touched his shoulder.

"Wanna talk about it?" I offered a shoulder to cry on, again. I'm his old lady, it's my job to be there for him. Juice put Daylon back down into his swing with a heavy sigh and looked at me with his dark coloured eyes.

"It's nothing for you to worry about right now." He told me flatly. My eyebrow cocked upward with a confused expression. Something didn't sit right with me. He said "right now". Does that mean I have to worry about it later instead of right now?

"Don't you think that if I have to worry about it at all I should know what I'm worrying about?" I asked stubbornly. Juice sighed again and mentally kicked himself. He said too much already, he let me know that something is happening in the club and I should be worried.

"Fine, fine, I'll tell you what's going down." He said in defeat. His stress levels spiked, I could see it in his eyes. I could see it in the way he looked down at me with a grim line on his mouth.

"The complications in Nevada was, we bumped into your dad. He recognized me and followed me back to Charming." I knew he was lying, maybe not entirely but partly. I knew my dad was involved and he was in Charming but the rest was a lie. I wasn't born yesterday. But I decided to turn the other way, as long as he doesn't know where I live or anything else.

I put on a pretty smile and nodded kindly.

"Now, was telling the truth so hard?" I sarcastically stated with my arms crossed over my chest. Sheer shame and panic struck Juice's face instantly. He knew I didn't believe him but he didn't know how much I knew based off of his lie. Instead of standing there staring intensely at each other, I smiled kindly and cocked my head to the side.

"Are you going to the clubhouse today?" I asked curiously. Juice hummed them shook his head.

"Jax said I should stay home today, if they need me he'll call." I grinned devilishly at him and nodded.

"Does that mean I get some time with my ol' man?" Juice knew exactly what I meant by that. Gemma is picking Daylon up so she can have the three grandsons over for the day. Even she is rooting for Juice and I to have a girl, she wants a grand baby girl.

Juice grinned from ear to ear and blushed at my comment.

"I know, about damn time I get some r'n'r." He cheekily commented before leaning in to peck my lips sweetly. Oh boy, have I ever missed just having some time with him alone. I think Jax letting him out for a day or two is a good thing. Juice isn't mentally or emotionally correct for the Sons and everyone can smell it on him. I'll protect him until the day I die though.

Early that morning Gemma came to pick up Daylon, she brought along Abel and Thomas as if they were her two sons. Daylon didn't even wrinkle his nose when the two boys came over for a quick breakfast. Jax didn't feed them this morning and Tara worked graveyard. Gemma said Jax over slept and the boys weren't even awake when she got there. I suppose it was good because Daylon hadn't eaten yet either so while the two boys ate some dry cereal and had a juice box, Daylon was hidden under the nursing blanket and cradled in my arms. Gemma smiled kindly at me and sipped the freshly brewed coffee.

"It's been a while since you've had to do this routinely." She commented in her usual Gemma way. I smiled faintly but I knew I was beaming with joy.

"It's been way too long,"

"That's why I think we shouldn't space our next kid out too much." Juice said coming into the living room with the two boys who were apparently finished eating breakfast. Gemma looked a little bit stunned by what Juice said.

"You two just had this one and you're already planning #3?" She questioned in awe. I smiled widely and shook my head at her, Daylon grunted at my movements.

"Not me, he is though. He wants a little girl." I told her honestly. Gemma looked over at Juice who shrugged shamelessly. He didn't care that we're a family of four living off of two incomes, well at the moment we're living off of one and then my maternity leave pay, but Juice wants to have another baby asap.

Daylon began to fuss under the blanket, I pulled him away and adjusted my shirt to cover myself up. I know Gemma knows what a breast looks like but I didn't want to Thomas and Abel to see anything they weren't supposed too. Before I could ask Juice to come and take Daylon to burp him, Gemma scooped him up and started firmly patting his back to yearn a belch from the infant. Gemma smile widely at the pair of us and beamed with joy at the thought of having a granddaughter.

"You two need to have a little girl, it'll be good for everybody." Gemma in formed us as she managed to burp Daylon effectively. She stood up with him in her arms, Juice had gotten the car seat from our bedroom so they could strap him in. I felt blessed that Gemma wasn't only taking Daylon for the day but she's picking Percy up from School this afternoon. Gemma Teller is a blessing in disguise.

Juice and Gemma rounded the herd of kids out to the car effectively while I watched from the front window, thinking that maybe, just maybe, having another baby in the nearer future would actually be good. I really want to have a daughter but at the same time I don't want to have a daughter. My mom was never around so I grew up around boys; Gemma is the first mother figure in my life. That statement in itself should say something, I'm not exactly cut out to have a daughter. They say girls are ten times worse than their mothers and as a teenager I was terrible.

Juice came back into the house with a ginger smile that I couldn't help but grin at. But there was something worrying in his eyes. I didn't like the look in his dark eyes, it's nothing good.

"It hasn't been this quiet since before Percy was born." He commented cheekily. I chuckled and nodded in agreement. He laughed and ran his hand over his scalp, momentarily covering the tattoos on either side of his dark mohawk. He awkwardly shifted his weight with an awkward smile.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Juice asked after Gemma pulled out of the drive. I smirked devilishly and swayed effortlessly until I was standing in front of him.

"I've got a few things in mind." I purred to him seductively. His eyes lit up with a lustful joy.


"Yep, there's an entire list of things I want you to do for me. But first things first, we need to do the grocery shopping." I practically ruined his lustfulness with a big list of chores I need him to do that I can't.

"Oh! You are such a tease." He commented cupping my face in the palms of his hands. I grinned up at him before pecking his lips quickly.

"Today, you're my bitch."

The Life and Death of Girl Unknown (UNDER REVISION AND EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now