Chapter Three

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The next day, Taehyung walked into his math class. Late again. Jimin kept his eyes on the board as he heard the door open. "Good morning, Taehyung. Only two minutes late this time."

Taehyung ended up pouting slightly. He wanted Jimin to see his new look. His grin soon came back and he bounced over to his seat.

"You look hot." Hoseok inspected his friend. Taehyung's hair was now a light shade of pink. He put in his blue contacts too.

His outfit consisted of a pale yellow sweater that fell off his shoulders, exposing his collar bones. The mom jeans he was wearing did wonders for his backside. And to top it off, he went with a nice pair of vans.

Taehyung really did look like a ray of sunshine.

Once Jimin finally spotted him, he went silent for a moment. He knew he shouldn't stare but he couldn't help it.

Taehyung noticed and snickered. "Is something wrong, sir?"

Jimin blushed and quickly looked away. "Colored hair is not allowed, Taehyung. I hope you know that."

"My mom is the principal, Mr. Park. She approved of it." Taehyung gave a proud smirk. Jimin didn't answer him as he passed out papers.

"You all have a test next Monday, I suggest you all study." The class groaned and Jimin mocked them. "Oh, boo hoo... I want all of you to make an A... Even you, Hoseok." Jimin shot the boy a stern glare. The boy tensed up and sighed. "Come on sir! First Taehyung and now me? You just love embarrassing us, huh?"

"Well, Hoseok, both of your grades are horrible. If you want to pass, you have to try. I'm sure Taehyung understands now but you need to be shaped up as well." The whole class was laughing by now. "None of you should think this is funny... The only person in this class who passes without a curve is Jungkook."

The small boy perked up from his seat at hearing his name. He blushed and continued to focus on his work.

"Someone's moody." Taehyung snickered as Jimin walked back to his desk.

The rest of the class period was silent. No one wanted to pass off Mr. Park.


Later that night, Taehyung sat in his room studying. He could hear everyone mingling downstairs. His mother had a lot of teachers over. Some were his own. He hated it honestly. He couldn't step out of his room without seeing one.

He continued to study until his stomach growled. He sighed and contemplated on getting food.

After gathering up the courage, he stood up and exited his room. He walked down the stairs, ignoring anyone he walked by. A few greeted him, but he ignored.

He walked into the kitchen, not noticing Jimin and a few others standing around.

But Jimin noticed him.

Even with his hair a mess, dark circles under his eyes, and ill-fitting clothing, he was beautiful. Jimin couldn't help but what as Tae raided the kitchen. He ended up taking out a tub of ice cream from the freezer and grabbing a spoon. He then proceeded to exit the kitchen.

"I don't think that's a well-balanced dinner," Jimin said. Taehyung swung his head in his direction and shrugged.

"I don't feel like making anything.. Just don't tell my mom." He grinned and bounced out of the kitchen.

"He's such a good student." One of the teacher's who was talking with Jimin commented.

"And he's a looker too." Another one said.

"I heard he's dating that one boy... I can't seem to recall his name. Namjoon I think."

"No no... Namjoon is with Seokjin. I have them in my class. They sure are adorable together."
The teachers continue to talk and Jimin excused himself to go to the bathroom. He remembered it was upstairs but didn't remember where. As he passed one door, he thought he heard crying. He pauses at the door and slowly opens it to look inside.

Taehyung room was covered in awards and posters. There was a wall dedicated to pictures of his friends and family. It was a very vibrant room. Except the usual vibrant boy sitting on his bed didn't seem too happy.

Papers surrounded him as well as books and writing utensils.

Taehyung had ended up breaking down due to stress. It's been happening a lot recently. He didn't even notice his math teacher walking over to him. He didn't notice until Jimin pulled him into a hug.

"Hey... What's wrong, Taehyung?" Jimin was worried about the boy. Who made him cry?

Taehyung continued to sob. He hid his face in Jimin's shoulder and just sobbed. After a while, he started to calm down. "It's all too much... I can't do it. I just want to give up."

Jimin felt horrible for him. "It's okay, Taehyung... Just take a break for a bit." He starts to gather up the papers. "Don't do any more work tonight. Stay home tomorrow. You need it."

"Mom won't let me stay home," Taehyung said.

"I'll talk to her. Okay?" Jimin looked into his eyes. The younger ended up smiling.

"Thank you, sir."

"No need to thank me." Jimin kissed his forehead. "Get some rest." He walked to the door.

"Goodnight." Taehyung moved under his blankets. Jimin smiled and turned off the lights before walking out.

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