Chapter Twenty One

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Hoseok sat in his room, a few months after both Taehyung and Jungkook died.

Yoongi had left as well.

So did Seokjin and Namjoon. They went off to college.

Hoseok was all alone.

He fell into a pit of depression for a good year, but then one day he was pull out of it.

It was his twentieth birthday and he was fortunate enough to run into someone on the street.


The older man looked at Hoseok and ended up smiling. "Long time, no see, Hoseok."

Yoongi had to escape everything that was happening, but something inside him was compelling him to come back to this old city.

It was Hoseok.

They ended up catching up with with each other over a nice lunch and for once, they both felt happy again.

They trusted each other to keep the other happy.

Which is why a month later, they started dating.

And three years later, they got married.

Seokjin and Namjoon also got married after college.

It was now the perfect life for all of them, everything was at peace.

It was the happy ending they all deserved.

Though they are all still haunted by the thoughts for their old friends, the people who used to make them home.

"I still can't believe it."

It was the anniversary of both Taehyung and Jungkook's death. The four stood around their graves, feeling nothing but sadness.

They didn't even notice a man coming up to them until he pushed inbetween Hoseok and Namjoon and placed flowers down on Taehyung's grave.

"I am so sorry."

He kept his head down as he stood up and walked away.

The four men watched in confusion. They were all thinking the same thing.

Who was he?


Jimin had gotten out of jail early, due to someone paying his bail. He didn't know who, but he did find out where Taehyung was buried.

He felt so awful. It should have been him who died, not Taehyung.

Jimin didn't even have a funeral. His land lord just found his decaying body almost two weeks after he died or drug overdose.

It was the only thing he could do.

And it was the last thing he could do.

And his last thought was towards his love, Taehyung.

I'll see you soon.

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