Chapter Twelve

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There was a search party for Taehyung.

After the phone call, Mrs. Kim immediately called the police. She told them everything about the two boy's relationship and claimed that Jimin kidnapped her son.

She then asked Hoseok if he knew what was going on. He had no clue.

None of his friends knew what was happening. And they were all shocked when they heard about the relationship.

Especially Jungkook.

And Jungkook didn't care if Taehyung loved someone who wasn't him. He just wanted his friend to be okay.

And while friends and family were searching, they decided to visit Jimin's home.

Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung's mom, and a police officer showed up at Jimin's house at the exact same time as someone else.

Hoseok noticed the man entering the house, but it was not Jimin. I was Yoongi. Why was he here? And why did he have a key?

"Excuse me! Sir!" Mrs. Kim rushed over to the man before he even stepped inside. "Do you know Park Jimin?"

Yoongi was surprised by her and the three men with her. He made sure to avoid eye contact with Hoseok. "Um, yeah... Why do you ask?"

"He's kidnapped my son. Is he here?"

Yoongi became more shocked. Were they talked about the student Jimin was with?

"Well, his car is here... But he wouldn't answer his calls. I'm just here to get my stuff and leave."

"What is your relationship to Mr. Park?" The police officer asked.

"He was my fiancé... I broke it off because I had suspicion of him cheating on me. I guess he was."

"Can we come in and look around?" the man asked.

Yoongi thought for a moment before he gave a curt nod. "Come on in."

With that, the four went searching while Yoongi packed his things.

Jungkook spotted a very familiar laptop. It was Jimin's. He walked over to it and opened it, thankful that there wasn't a password. He started searching through every file out of curiosity, tensing when he came across videos. The first one was Taehyung in the shower.

He looked through all of them. There seemed to be millions. Each video was an hour long and just showed Taehyung, his room, and his bathroom.

"I think I found something!" He backed away from the computer, feeling slightly sick. Did Taehyung even know about this?

Hoseok, Yoongi, Mrs. Kim, and the police officer gathered around the laptop to look. Taehyung's mother was close to tears. She couldn't believe this was happening to her baby.

The police officer took the laptop for evidence and quickly called another officer to check Taehyung's room for cameras.

"Do you know where they would be?" Hoseok asked Yoongi, who shook his head no.

"I'm sorry... I have no clue. I hope you find your friend soon." Yoongi held out a piece of paper. "Here... Call me if you need anything."

Hoseok grabbed it and looked over the number. He wanted to burst with joy, but he couldn't. He needed to make sure his best friend was okay.

"Thank you..." Hoseok smiled.

"I'll get going then." Yoongi grabbed his bag and walked out of the house.

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