Chapter Eight.

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One month without Taehyung.

Jimin wanted to die.

His new job was okay, but he missed his students.

He missed Taehyung.

The cameras ended up dying a few days ago, so Jimin couldn't watch him any more.

Jimin had also lost his fiancé.

When he got home one day, all of Yoongi's things were gone. There was a note with his engagement ring attached.

Jimin, I'm so sorry, but I have now finally come to terms that you don't love me.

And I don't love you.

I don't want to marry you either.

Our parents already know about it so don't worry.

I'm sorry for everything and I hope we can still be friends like always.

Love, Yoongi.

Jimin couldn't believe it. He was losing everything.


It has now been three months and Jimin was still strung up and worried over Taehyung. School had finally let out and Jimin realized that it was Taehyung's seventeenth birthday in a fee weeks.

One more year.

Jimin didn't know what he would do until then. He just hoped that Taehyung was doing okay.

Taehyung was not okay.

His grades ended up dropping and he had fallen into a pit of depression.

He even started to self harm.

His parents were worried, his mom even considered allowing him and Jimin to talk.

Taehyung's friends were worried to.

They never saw their friend Taehyung anymore. All there was now was a shell of what used to be.

The light in his eyes have died out, his skin had gone pale. He was also becoming very thin. No one saw his boxy grin or heard the laugh that everyone found annoying but still loved.

Taehyung was in the worst state possible.

It was soon his birthday and Hoseok decided to take him out

"Taehyung, come on... You need to get out of here." Hoseok looked over Taehyung who was sitting in the bathtub. The water had gone cold a while ago and his skin was very pruned. Hoseok teared up when he saw the scars all over his best friend's body. "Taehyung.. Please talk to me."

He stayed silent.

That was it for Hoseok.

"Kim Taehyung. You are being very stupid right now." Taehyung tensed at his tone of voice and looked over to see Hoseok's annoyed face. "I don't know why you're so upset but what you're doing isn't right." He gently grabbed Taehyung's arm. "Look at this. Do you really think this is right? You're starving yourself as well. Are you trying to die?!"

Taehyung wanted to tell him yes, but decided to stay quiet.

Hoseok let out a quiet sob. "Taehyung.. I can't lose my best friend. Tell me what's wrong."

"Just leave it alone, Hoseok." Taehyung slowly stood up. The older boy looked up at him in slight surprise. "Let's just go somewhere. I don't care."

Hoseok sighed and quickly went to get Tae a towel. He wrapped it around the younger and lead him to his room.

Hoseok sat the younger on his bed and went to the closet. He pulled out a pale pink sweater and acid washed jeans. He went back over to Taehyung and helped him get dressed.

The younger couldn't help but smile. Hoseok was such a gentle giant.

Once Taehyung was done getting dressed, Hoseok helped him into his shoes. "We're going to do a lot of stuff today."

The first thing they did was get lunch at a nice restaurant. As they were looking over the menu, their waiter came.

"Hello, my name is Yoongi. What can I get you today?" His voice didn't sound all too cheerful. Hoseok looked up and smiled brightly. The man was very handsome.

"A coke for me and... what do you want TaeTae?"

Yoongi tensed at that name. He looked over the boy and took a deep breath. Was it the boy that Jimin was with?

"Just a water." Taehyung didn't look up from his hands.

Why was he so upset? Yoongi looked over him. If it was the boy Jimin always talked about, he didn't seem as happy as Jimin made him out to be.

Yoongi smiled and started to walk off.

"You're drooling." Taehyung cracked a smile once he noticed his best friend staring after the waiter. "I don't think he's on the menu."

Hoseok rolled his eyes and grinned at Tae. "Oh hush."

Taehyung giggled and laid back in his chair. Yoongi soon comes back with their drinks and the two boys order.

After dinner and Hoseok ultimately failing at getting the waiter's number, they were going to a hair salon.

"I'm such an idiot." Hoseok groaned. Taehyung was in a fit of giggles.

"Took you long enough to realize that."

Hoseok had ended up spilling drink and asked for a napkin and Yoongi's number. The ladder had laughed awkwardly and threw a few napkins at the boy.

Taehyung was continuing to giggled as they walk into the salon.

"Taehyung. Glad to see you back on your feet." The guy at the front desk, Seokjin, said. "Happy birthday, by the way ."

"Thank you, Jin." Taehyung smiled softly. "I'm getting my hair dyed again."

"Oh, what color do you want?" Jin lead him to the back of the shop.

"Red. Like Hoseok's." He smiled up at his friend. Jin nodded and went to get the hair dye. Taehyung sat down in his chair, starting to spin in it. He quickly stopped when he saw Jin coming back. He knew Jin hated people spinning in the salon chairs.

As Jin did Tea's hair, they talked about school and life and relationships.

"So how are you and Namjoon?" Hoseok asked. Taehyung sighed as Jin started to ramble.

"Taehyung." The boy perked up when Jin said his name. "You know that Jungkook boy?"

Taehyung slowly nodded as he recalled him. They were both exceptional in school and their other activities. Even though they were always neck and neck for the top place in school, they don't have any problems with eachother. But why did Jin bring him up?

"A little birdie told me that he has a crush on you."

Taehyung tensed. Jungkook had a crush on him? He felt guilty, knowing that his heart forever belonged to Jimin.

"Is that so?" Taehyung smiled softly.

"Yes. But don't tell him that I told you."

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