Chapter Fourteen

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They have been driving for a couple of hours and Taehyung had ended up falling asleep. Jimin was in full content with his boyfriend by his side.

Jimin was planning to take them far far away. Where no one would find them.

They will be free to do what the want. What Jimin wants.

Don't be so controlling.

Jimin sighed and continued to focus on the road. His phone soon started to ring.


"What the hell are you doing, Park Jimin?" Yoongi's voice rang through the speaker. "Bring that boy back now."

Jimin groaned and hung up. Everyone needed to leave him alone. It was annoying.

Almost as annoying as the police car that seemed to be following Jimin. He groaned and gently pat Taehyung's shoulder.

"What is it?"

"Grab the yellow box in the backseat," Jimin instructed.

Taehyung slowly did as he said and quickly looked inside once he had it. There were wigs, eye contacts, glasses, and other things. "What is this for?"

"Just pull on a wig and put in some contacts. Use some make up or whatever to change your face in some way."

Taehyung didn't do as he was told.

"Now, damnit!"

The younger jumped and quickly pulled on a long black wig.  He fumbled with a pair of green contacts and manage to stab his eye while putting one in. He didn't know why, but he soon noticed the cop car. Were they trying to find him? Taehyung chewed on his lip and looked into the box. He wanted to go home.. Maybe it would be best for Jimin to get caught.

A siren was soon heard and Jimin let out a frustrated yell. "Fuck!"

Taehyung let out a quiet whimper and pulled on a pair of sunglasses.

Jimin took a deep breath and slowly pulled over. "Everything will be okay." He pulled on a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses, watching a police officer walk over to the car.

He was hesitant to roll down his window as the officer tapped on it.

"What seems to be the problem, officer?" Jimin smiled. Taehyung watched the scene, making sure not to show much emotion.

"Sir, I need to see some license and registration."

"May I know why?"

The officer sighed. "You were going twenty above the speed limit."

Jimin continued to smile and pulled out his license. "Here you go, sir." He handed it to the officer, who made his way to his car.

"Jimin! What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, babe.. Fake license, fake registration."

Taehyung repeated that in his head. How long has Jimin been planning this?

The officer soon comes back. "I'm letting you off with a warning. Now go on."

Taehyung sighed in relief and Jimin quickly sped off. "Slow down or we'll get pulled over again!"

"They didn't pull me over for speeding. I was going the limit."

"What do you mean? Why else would they pull you over?"

Jimin didn't answer.

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