Rediscovering - 1970s Rock - Lynyrd Skynyrd

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One of the best southern rock bands to come out of the 1970's was hands down - Lynyrd Skynyrd. My favorite song of theirs is - Freebird. It was a wonderful rock anthem that we all can relate to. Just imagine the greatness the band could have achieved with the original lineup members, if the tragedy didn't happen. I know they did great things when Ronnie VanZants brother Johnny took his role as lead singer but in my opinion originals are usually always better than any remakes or covers. There is no comparison. Personally - I have never been one for cover songs to me the original was always the best, its the same with live versions of songs.

I am sure in my former hippie life on July 2, 1977 in Oakland,CA - I was in this crowd rocking out to this song and this band.

What is your favorite Lynyrd Skynyrd song?

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