The Visits

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Evans POV:

          I have been visiting Connor every day for the past five weeks.

          My routine has been get up at 5 am and leave to the hospital with my mom as that's when she usually leaves the house and the hospital she works was where Connor was staying. Or at least it was after the Murphy's moved him to the hospital my mom worked at because they trusted me so in turn they trusted my mom.

          I would visit him and write my letter so I wouldn't have to worry about it later, telling him how things might go right even though he couldn't hear me. After visiting him I would take the city bus to a stop near my school and walk from there.

          The city bus was a nice change from the school bus because everyone was quieter and seemingly nicer.

          Probably because it was 6 in the morning so no one wanted to speak.

          Once I got to school I would go about my school day like normal except I sat with Zoe, Alana, and Jared at lunch while before I sat alone. After school I would get picked up by the Murphy's and we'd have lunch. I tried my best to be there for them because if I felt awful I could only imagine how they felt. Usually during lunch we would make small talk and since they're good people it's easy to feel welcomed by them and I warmed up to them fairly quickly.

          I probably came off as clingy if I'm being honest.

          After lunch I would get a ride from the Murphy's and visit Connor again while doing my homework at the hospital until my mom was ready to leave. I would get a ride from her back home, usually getting home around 7-8 ish. We would have dinner then I would fall asleep and the whole routine would repeat.

          Sometimes when I thought about it, what I'm doing must sound creepy to someone who knew the full story. Either way I needed to make everything better and fix everything. Maybe in the process help Connor and become his friend. That's what's important.

          Plus it might be nice to have an actual friend.

          During the time I spent with Connor I told him a lot about myself. I told him that I had a crush on Zoe, that I wanted to be his friend, that I didn't think he deserved to do this to himself, that I was sorry for all of this. I even told him personal stuff. Like what really happened with my arm, why I did it, that I never really thought highly of myself.

          All of this was the routine for about a month before something huge happened.

          "We believe Connor is going to wake up soon!" Connors doctor, Dr. Sawyer said while looking through her notes with a smile before looking up at all of the Murphy's and I. I smiled wide, Mrs. Murphy cried from joy, Zoe smiled wider than I've ever seen her smile, which made her all the more beautiful, and Mr. Murphy looked on in shock, the sorrow that filled everyone's eyes lifting.

          The moment of joy was short lived. Well, for me at least.

          I wasn't actually Connors friend.

          I had lied my way into this family. I had gotten them into this mess. I was the one who gave Connor the pills he used to try to kill himself.

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