The Text

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Connor' s POV:

TW: Cutting mention

        i stood at the front door of my house feeling dread pool in my stomach.

        i knew everyone that was in the house was pissed. to be fair, whenever i was involved that's all they ever were. i sighed quietly and opened the door.

        "Where the hell have you been! Your mother got an email saying you weren't in any of your classes after lunch, did you skip again! Connor Murphy you better have an extremely good explanation for this and you better have not been getting high." larry yelled as i walked through the door and put my bag on one of the bag racks we have by the front door. he glanced me over trying to determine if i was high, while doing that he looked at my knee, which were exposed due to the fact that my jeans had rips in them. "What happened to your knee?" he asked somehow annoyed as he looked at my scraped and bruised knee

        i rolled my eyes and then looked over at the rest of my family. zoe was sitting at the kitchen table, somehow looking smug and guilty at the same time. my mother on the other hand was sitting quietly at the kitchen table, looking worried about me.

        i quickly covered up the hurt of larry's accusation about getting high with anger and resent. "What should I tell you? You wouldn't believe me either way." i scoffed as i turned away.

        "Connor, why don't you take a seat and we can figure this out! You too hun. Let me get the first aid kit so you can put a bandage on your knee." my mom calmly stated as she got up and stood between us. i shrugged and sat at the table. larry did the same only with much more anger.

        "Now, Zoe told us that you texted her in the middle of the school day saying that you were taking the car to help out a friend, did something happen at school?" my mom coaxed while she grabbed the first aid kit and put it on the table.

        "Were you getting high again? Or did you go see a few more of your druggie friends." larry prodded. my mom shot a glare at him quickly before focusing her attention back to me.

        "Well fuck you too. You know I'm actually trying here and you're just-" i sighed and ran my hand down my face. larry looked ready to explode and was about to before i cut him off "Okay you know what, whatever. Evan-" i started before immediately getting cut off.

        "Oh yes, the kind boy with the anxiety." my mom said.

        i rolled my eyes at being interrupted. "Yes him, he had a bad panic attack at school and I helped him and took him home. I skipped since his mom has class and work most of the time and stayed until one of his other friends came to check on him. My knee it's scraped because I tripped and feel trying to look for him." i said as i sorted through the first aid finding a band aid and putting it on my scrape, glancing up every so often.

        shock raced to everyone's faces. i pushed away the hurt of their reactions. instead of staying for their opinions i rose out of my chair, making it squeal against the wood of the kitchen floor and trudged up to my room.

        i shut the door and flopped onto my bed. that was one of the many moments in which i realised just how messed up we were. i mean, someone sitting their kid down because they thought they were getting high isn't exactly what every family does.

        i sighed and glared at the ceiling for hours, allowing my mind to just race. one thought wondering if i should just be who larry thought i was, a kid who just got high and snuck out of school. although, while arguing with myself in my head i accidentally set myself up to stay up late into the night.

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