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          Okay so a lot of you read this book so if you like any of my other books this applies to you. I want to discuss my schedule so everyone knows what happening okay? Okay.

          So this is currently my schedule:

Monday: Closed Off

Wednesday: Like We'll Be Alright

Friday: Words

¯\_(ツ)_/¯: Late Night Thoughts

          Okay so that's that and but the problem is,

          Like We'll Be Alright and Late Night Thoughts are the only ones that are gonna be updated.

          *hides behind a chair and prepares for paper balls to be thrown at me* WAIT WAIT LET ME EXPLAIN.

          Okay so I hate the writing in Closed Off and Words. My writing style has changed so much and I just don't like how everything flows if that makes any sense. So because of that I'm going to edit them majorly.

          The plot and characters will be the same but I want to change how I wrote stuff down and add a few things so it flows together better. I will probably take out some unneeded parts and add parts that will be important later on but for now my old cringey writing will stay up as I edit.

          I hope you guys understand. I just have really bad writers block for those books because I wrote them so long ago and I can't help but want to change it so I can be motivated to write those.

          Okay that's all. Love you all!

Like We'll Be AlrightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon