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"you ready Kara?" Alex ask her sister

Right know both Alex and Kara are infront of Metropolis University, tommorow is Kara first day at college and Kara is scared to go to college because there will be no Alex, and Eliza to be there for her and she also afraid that she accidentally hurt people around her and there will be no Alex or Eliza to help her with that.

"I know you scared, but I'm sure Clark and Lois will be there for you" Alex said with a smile, she know that her sister is not ready to go to college alone "I mean this is your dream right? to be in Metropolis University and to be with Clark and I'm sure Clark will help you control your power, isn't that what you always want Kara?" Alex said while touching her sister shoulder

"yes, it's always been my dream to go to Metropolis University and to be able to meet Clark again, but I want to do all that with Ollie, I made promise with Ollie to go to Metropolis University together  even though he will be my senior, and meet Clark together but I can't do that anymore, Ollie's gone...." Kara said while a tear fall from her eye.

Kara know Oliver Queen since they are young, they always play with each other and Ollie will always protect Kara if Alex is not around, be there for Kara when she is sad, always try to make Kara smile. Ollie is like a big brother to Kara, even though Oliver is a playboy who will sleep with every girls he meet, he wouldn't do that to Kara because he also view Kara as a little sister to him and Thea also view Kara as a big sister to her, the Queen usually happy to have Kara come to their mansion because usually Kara is only person that can force Ollie to study so that Ollie can get a better grade and also they made a promise  to go to Metropolis University together and since Ollie is older than Kara, he will enter the college first with his bestfriend and girlfriend, Tommy Merlyn and Laurel Lance.

But unfortunately only Tommy and Laurel enrolled last year because Ollie is pronounced dead 5 years  ago. 5 years ago He went on a trip fis his father on queen gambit but a shipwreck occurred  and with that everyperson on top of the queen gambit is pronounced dead, including Oliver and Robert. This news sadden alot of people such as Tommy, Laurel, Thea, Moira and also Kara, when She heard about the news, she lock herself inside her room, it took her a few days to finally get out of her room. even though it's already 5 years, Kara still miss Ollie, she wish Ollie is here to support her since her sister didn't go to Metropolis University, But another College.

"I know you miss Oliver, even though he is a jerk I also miss him, but we have to let go of the past Kara, I'm sure he be happy if you go to Metropolis University not to mention there is Tommy and Laurel who will be there, they would love to hang out with you again Kara" Said Alex

"you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, I'm you will also gain some new friend that will be there for you maybe even a new boyfriend" teased Alex and with that Kara just smile at her sister, even though she scared, she is sure that Laurel or Tommy will help her if there is any trouble or maybe she will gain alot of friend that will always help her.

"Well I guest you are right, I shouldn't be scared,I'm sure I can control this power right?"

"Yeah and remember, I'm just one called away, bye Kara" said Alex as she approach Kara to give her a hug and Kara return the hug and after that Alex left Kara and drive away leaving Kara behind

"First day huh" Kara said to herself and with that she enter Metropolis University and after she enter there is a car that stop infront of the university and the door is open and someone come out from the car, it's Barry Allen and Iris west

"Wow finally we have arrive Iris" Barry said with excitement while looking at the University

"Yeah its huge" Said Iris while admiring the university

"I hope kids have fun in here" Joe said to both of them

"Yes we will, you sure you be alright Joe?" Barry ask Joe, knowing that Joe will be alone at Central City

"Yeah I'm sure I'll be fine alone, now you have to protect Iris ok? Make sure nobody hurt her or else I'm gonna shoot you"

"Ha ha you funny Joe" laugh Barry and he stop laughing when he look at Joe face "oh you're serious" Said Barry alittle bit scared

"Come on Dad, Don't scares Barry like that"shrugged Iris

"Yeah I'm just joking, you sure you can control your power Barry?" Ask Joe worried

"Well I hope so" Barry said remember what happen at Central city 9 months ago


"You sure you didn't want to see the activation of the particle accelerator at STAR lab Barry?" Iris ask Barry at the phone, right now Barry is at his school,at the science lab to be exact

"Yeah,I would love to be there but I got some test to do right now" Barry said while experimenting with some chemicals

"Well it's your loss then, I mean there is alot of geek like you around here Barry"

"Yeah, I know, maybe I will watch it from the tv, hey I gonna hung up this phone bye Iris"

"Bye Barry" and with that they ended the call and sometimes later when Barry trying the chemical he see a dark matter in the sky and when he try to cover up the big hole on the science lab roof, suddenly lightning struck at him which cause him to fall into the chemicals he is working with and because of that, he is in coma for 9 months and during those 9 months Harrison Wells take care of Barry and when He wake up he realize that he already have super speed and Harrison Wells suggest Barry to go to Metropolis University for college and also ask help from superman to help him control his power


"Yeah you don't have to be worry Dad,Barry have me and I will be happy to help him to keep his power at bay" Said Iris proudly

"I'm gonna miss you guys" said Joe sadly

"We gonna miss you too Joe" Iris said and with that the three of them hug each other when they let go Joe waved them goodbye and drove off

"First day huh" Iris said

"Yeah,well let's go then" Said Barry and with that they enter Metropolis University





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