Unexpected Visitor

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"why do you always follow me? please go away" Kara said annoyed by Mon-El

Right now Kara is waiting for Barry but he still haven't show up yet, Instead Mon-El is the one who show up

"come on I'm trying to be nice, I see you're alone so I accompany you" Argue Mon El

"But I don't want you to be here, I want Barry to be here so that we can do our assignment together, not with you" Kara argue back

"hmm you know maybe Barry is having fun with another girl" Teased Mon El

"Barry is not you, he is not that kind of person" Argue Kara

"who knows maybe he is not the person you think he is, maybe you don't know the real him or maybe he already become a different person, every person can change you know maybe I'm not like those other Daxamites" Mon el said with a smirk to tease Kara

"How about this you prove that you are not a frat boy like just like the prince of your home planet by helping me find Barry, to prove to me you are different from your kind" suggest Kara

"As you wish my Lady, lead the way" Mon El said playfullt while Kara just shrugged at what Mon El said and with that they try to find Barry but then they noticed that there are polices in the school and they also noticed that there is a place that is crowded near them

"want to check that out?" ask Mon El and Kara nod so they headed toward the crowded place and when they arrive they are shock because they see that Barry and three other people is taken by the police and with that Kara quickly run after Barry while Mon El follow her from behind\

"Barry what happen?" Kara ask worried about him

"I will explain everything tommorow ok?" Barry said

"you promise?" Kara ask in a low tone

"yeah I promise but now I want you to promise me to tell this to Iris but make sure that she didn't panic about this ok?" request Barry

"ok" Kara said with a smile, a forced smile to be exact. after their conversation she witness Barry and his friends get inside the police car and she worried about what gonna happen to Barry and Cisco too, She also try to think what did Barry and Cisco do that the Police come here to gather them, she start to think maybe what Mon El say is right, Maybe she doesn't really know the real Barry, maybe Barry is always the type of guy who always create trouble but she doesn't want to believe that because she know that Barry is not that type of guy

Mon El realize that Kara is thinking about Barry just by the look of her face, he quickly grab both of her hand which surprise her  "You don't have to worry about him ok, I'm sure his fine, He is Barry remember? there is no way he something stupid, he is not me you know. how about this, what do you want to do now? I'll accompany you" Mon El said

"I just want to go back to my room" Kara said

"ok then lets go" Mon El said while dragging Kara with him and Kara never though that a daxamites will treat a kryptonian kindly, maybe not all Daxamites are bad

"I never know that a daxamites can be this kind" Tease Kara

"Don't get used to it" Mon El said and with that they headed toward Kara's room


A police car arrive infront of Metropolis University and three people get out of the car, its Cisco, Barry and Snart

"I never know that we have to stay for the night just because We  witnessed him becoming a metahuman" complain Cisco

"it's because it's a metahuman case which is the first metahuman case for Metropolis, we have to contact Central city about this Metahuman and also Superman, ask them where we should put this guy and we need to put this guy in prison aand after that you can go home and also you guys have this gun that in the box you're holding, we need to make sure that you guys have the right to that weapon which you do and the police are grateful that you guys have that because you guys use it for good cause but I hope you guys doesn't need that again and I don't want other people know about this gun because I'm afraid if other people know they will steal that gun from you and use it for bad cause" explain the Police

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