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"the name is Leonard Snart" Leonart said while offering a handshake which Barry gladly shake his hand

"My name is Barry Allen" Barry said introducing himself to Leonard Snart "I think I have heard your name before" Barry said trying to remember where he heard that name before

"Well of course you gonna remember that name, after all both of us are in the same highschool at central city, remember?" Leonard said trying to help Barry remember who he is

"well if this help, you probably remember Mick Rory and also Tony woodward?" ask Leonard Snart

"ohhh yeah, of course I remember Mick and Tony, they are the highschool bully, they always bully me because at highschool I'm one of the weakest and not to mention that I'm a nerd so of course I'm one of their favorite people to bully but I remember both of them have one friend so also bully people, if I remember correctly his name... his name...... YOU! you are also the person who love to Bully people, ok I got to go now" Barry said and just as he about to stand up and go as far as possible from Leonard but Leonard stop him

"I think its better for you to sit down" Leonard said with a scary tone which scares Barry and with that he quickly sit down again

"Fo.. for your in .. information I don't have any money with me right now" exclaim Barry, still afraid of the person that use to bully him

"I don't want your money Barry" Leonard said while approaching Barry and Barry try to put a distance between them but there is a tree behind him so he can't move backward

"What...what do you wa..want? Stutter Barry, nerveous about what gonna happen to him right now, right now he imagine that Snart is bullying him right now, even though he have a power, he doesn't want to use that, he afraid that it will harm other people but right now he is more afraid of Snart

"I want to apologize about everything that happen at highschool, I know what I do to you and the other people is wrong, I know that I act like a jerk at highschool, but Right now I'm not the same as I was before, this is why I came here, to personally apogelize to you, so all I want to say, I'm sorry" Leonard said while bowing at Barry and this surprise Barry, he never though of a moment where his highschool bully will apolegize to him, he ever dream of a moment where his highschool bully will bow to him but he never though this will happen in real life

All Barry can do now is stop Snart from bowing to him because people already staring at them and Barry didn't like the attention

"Ok ok I forgive you, now please stop what you are doing now, you embarassing yourself right now, people is staring at you now" Barry said trying to stop him, and Leonard comply with him

"Thank you for forgiving me, I'm gona show you that I am a different person now, I'm not the person I used to be, I've turn a new leaf" Brag Snart hoping that Barry believe him, but the truth is Barry still doesn't believe him, there is no way someone just change that easily

"Well good for you then I want to hang out with you now but I still have something to do......" Barry want to come up with a lie he can't think of one right now, but thanksfully someone approach them

"Hey Barry why did you leave the canteen just now?" Ask Kara and Barry see this as an opportunity for his lie

"Oh yeah I want to do something.. with her, hey lets go Kara, we still need to do our assignment together" Barry said while dragging Kara with him, so that they don't need to be with snart since Barry still doesn't believe Snart and Kara is confuse at Barry first but she just follow Barry to wherever place he take her

"Where are we going?" kara ask

"Just someplace not near him" Said Barry

"Why, do you have a problem with that guy?" Question Kara curious

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