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Right now tear is falling from both of her eyes she never thought that one is that is standing infront of her is the one and only Oliver Queen someone that she really care and miss, someone that people thought already dead for five years is standing right in front of her now.
She can't take it anymore, it doesn't matter if it's the real Oliver or just apart of her imagination, she just want to hug him, and she does and it feel warn because she is trully hugging Oliver Queen  and she can't believe that this is really happening, she can't held her own tear as she cry on Oliver shoulder and Oliver just hug her back because he miss her too, he keep thinking about Kara for the past five years and finally he met her

They keep hugging for minutes now and they don't want to let go because they want to feel each other warm, something they haven't feel for five years now, and Barry just standing beside them, feeling that he is the third wheel now as he just stare at them but of course he feel happy for the both of them

"Howw? How did you manage to survive the queen gambit accident and never come back? Do Robert survive the accident? What happen to you for the past five years? Where are you for the past five years? Why you never tell everyone that you are still alive?" Now Kara who just release her hug is attacking Oliver with alot of questions because it just doesn't make sense that Oliver survive the accident but never told anyone that he still alive

"Slow down Kara slow down" Oliver just laugh at her, he is glad that Kara is still the same girl from five years ago "Well I manage to survive the accident but my father... he doesn't survive the accident and I was stranded on a island for the past five years until a fisherman found me and bring me here" Explain Oliver with no expression at all, making it all sound like it was something normal and Kara just feel sorry for him, to survive on a stranded island is something that normal human can't handle especially someone like Oliver but Oliver manage to survive that and she is happy for him, but this doesn't mean that she doesn't have alot of question regarding Oliver arrival

"But why Moira and Thea never told me that you survive?" Ask Kara

"Because I told them not to tell you, I want it to be a surprise" state Oliver "in fact they haven't even met me yet I come here first, event Tommy and Laurel doesn't know I was alive" Continue Olivet


"Because I want to meet you first" Oliver said with smile and Kara just feel happy that Oliver choose her before his friend and family "well of course if I want to go to Starling City I need to be at Metropolis first then take a flight to Statling city" Oliver said

"But.. but why you doesn't tell Tommy and Laurel? Why there is no news about your survival?" Ask Kara again

"Like I told you I want it to be surprise, I don't want them to know now, it's better if Laurel and Tommy know about my survival just like everybody else" Oliver said and he notice that Barry is looking at them, and Oliver now is confront him

"I say that I only want Kara the only one to know my survival for know, but it look like you now know about my survival too, what your name?" Oliver ask putting on a face that scare Barry

"My.. my name is Barry Allen" Barry said ad he offer his hand for a handshake and Oliver quickly shook Barry's hand but didn't let go
"That's a strong grip you got there" Barry said, showing pain in his face, even though Barry is a Metahuman , it doesn't mean that Barry doesn't feel pain

"I'm glad that you are friend with Kara, you must be a good boy right?" Oliver said and Barry just nod at him but still Oliver didn't let go of Barry hand until Kara give Oliver an angry look which prompt Oliver to let go of Barry's hand

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